Cheat meals!?



  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Cheating is bad. Make the foods you like fit into your new lifestyle. For me, that means lots of pizza and frozen yogurt or gelato, restaurant meals between Friday-Sunday. Lots of bacon and pancakes during the week.
  • Saryia
    Saryia Posts: 38 Member
    I do a cheat meal once a week, if my body craves it. I've noticed that for me, the more I eat "clean" and less processed food, the less I "need" that cheat meal.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    Artificially lower your daily calorie total so that you can have a "cheat" meal or two and still hit your calorie total for the week.
  • LovebugHiraeth
    LovebugHiraeth Posts: 18 Member
    When I first started the whole weight loss journey on this website I was 178lbs and I had a "cheat" day every Friday and I got down to 139lbs that way.. so, yeah, I have cheat meals if I feel like. But I can have "cheat" like things every day if I want... so long if they fit into my calories. :D

    We're only human, we're going to have a few days where we screw up and eat more, the only difference between succeeding and not succeeding is if we continue to screw up or if we chose to get back on track.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am far too serious about loosing the weight to cheat. I do however enjoy pretty much anything I feel like eating every day. I just think more carefully about how to fit it into my day and plan for it.

    Nope it's not easy. But I am worth the effort.
  • BeginnersBootcamp
    BeginnersBootcamp Posts: 90 Member
    I allow those "fun foods" into my daily diary as long as I stay under calories. Even when I stay under, I feel guilty about eating something not clean- anyone else? I have HUGE regret afterwards and feel like I am wasting my day
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited May 2015
    Samm471 wrote: »
    That's cool I never thought of the saving up the calories and having like a bigger portion on a designated day that sounds a good idea too , I must admit I am looking forward to my takeaway next weekend but I won't over indulge

    I fit what I want to eat into my calorie count.

    That might mean exercising more to give me some room to play with.

    Or it might mean saving calories.

    This weekend, I knew we were going away and would be eating out, so I deliberately exercised more than usual and had an extra 200 cal deficit each day on Thursday and Friday, giving me an extra 400 cal this week. I also I exercised as much as I could today ... lots and lots of walking + a little bit of cycling.. I'm going over my cal today just slightly (about 150 cal) but I figure I've got it covered with that extra 400 cal I banked on Thurs and Fri. So overall this week, I'm still in deficit. :)

    And I don't do this sort of thing every weekend ... the last time I did this was Easter where I had a carefully planned deficit for 2 days so I could go over slightly for 2 days, and still be well within a weekly calorie limit. And I lost 1 kg a few days after Easter, so I guess it worked. :)

  • Samm471
    Samm471 Posts: 432 Member
    Sometimes I get annoyed with myself because I do so well for a few days then eat something really sugary for example I've eaten really well the past few weeks and exercised loads and loads but I had a packet of quavers at 85 calories and a little high In fat and I feel bad about it. I don't know wether I should or not I think because I've been eating so well and keeping on track past few weeks it makes me feel guilty
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    edited May 2015
    no food is inherently evil, nor should a person ever feel guilty for choosing to eat a specific type of it. Unless it belongs to someone else. Like if someone finds the liter of cappuccino frozen yogurt i'm planning to devour tonight and takes it before i can get to it.....then they should feel very VERY guilty.
  • christinapapou
    christinapapou Posts: 15 Member
    On days I know I will have pasta or a dinner out, I try to have low calorie foods during the day like egg whites and salads so when I have my meal its sort of balanced.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Samm471 wrote: »
    does anyone have a cheat meal? Or do you just work some cheat foods or should I say "bad foods" or whatever your preference is into their calorie goals? I haven't had a takeaway in 6 months and will be having one next weekend however instead of ordering a full meal to myself I'm going to just half 1 meal between me & my partner .. How far do people go with food does anyone totally cut bad food out of their lives for good? I like to have the odd biscuit or piece of chocolate but I don't over indulge I will have like a square of chocolate rather than a full bar. Just curious as to what people do? :)

    try to look at your diet (noun) as a whole...individual food items aren't inherently "bad"...diets can be good or bad, but in context, individual food items aren't inherently the devil.

    As an example, in the context of my diet as a whole, which happens to be very well balanced and chalk full of awesome nutrition, taking my two boys out for pizza night every couple of weeks is not a big's pretty damned irrelevant to the big picture. Having pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week would be a different story (and yes, I realize that's an extreme but you get the point).

    Big picture thinking...don't drown in minutia. I don't consider having the occasional soda or pizza night with my boys or taking everyone out for an ice cream to be "cheating"...I call that living life and enjoying myself...these types of things are more or less occasions, not daily the context of the bigger picture, they are irrelevant to the whole.
  • Samm471
    Samm471 Posts: 432 Member
    no food is inherently evil, nor should a person ever feel guilty for choosing to eat a specific type of it. Unless it belongs to someone else. Like if someone finds the liter of cappuccino frozen yogurt i'm planning to devour tonight and takes it before i can get to it.....then they should feel very VERY guilty.

    Hahaha now this is most definetley something someone should feel guilty about and if not well you can sure make them feel that way ..This made me LOL!!
  • Samm471
    Samm471 Posts: 432 Member
    On days I know I will have pasta or a dinner out, I try to have low calorie foods during the day like egg whites and salads so when I have my meal its sort of balanced.

    That's a good idea I think I will start doing this so it stays balanced I didn't think of doing that :smile: