The Problem With Calories Burned Calculators



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    edited May 2015
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    This image is from the WebMD Fit-O-Meter. As far as I can tell, they're using the same database of activities that everyone else is. But notice the problem. According to this, if I sleep for six hours, sit in front of a computer for most of the day, and then ride a bicycle 20 miles, I will burn 4254 calories. Given that my estimated BMR is 2000 calories, I find this highly unlikely. Using the TDEE calculators, even if I exercise at an intense level, my TDEE should be 3450. And based on the rate I'm losing weight, my daily calorie consumption is nowhere near 4254 calories.

    The above has you burning 2.4 calories per minute while sitting down. Do you weigh 800 pounds?

    No, the weight I entered into the tool was 214 lbs.

    mine has it at 1.7 calories a min @151lbs...but as I said mine is pretty close to my day and my TDEE

    When I sit around and do nothing, I burn 2400 calories a day, which is 100 per hour, which would be 0.6 per minute. How are you burning three times that? What the hell are you people doing in these "meetings" anyway?

    Also, that total day including sleep only adds up to 17 hours. Maybe the calculator is only intended for use on Earth.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    This image is from the WebMD Fit-O-Meter. As far as I can tell, they're using the same database of activities that everyone else is. But notice the problem. According to this, if I sleep for six hours, sit in front of a computer for most of the day, and then ride a bicycle 20 miles, I will burn 4254 calories. Given that my estimated BMR is 2000 calories, I find this highly unlikely. Using the TDEE calculators, even if I exercise at an intense level, my TDEE should be 3450. And based on the rate I'm losing weight, my daily calorie consumption is nowhere near 4254 calories.
    I've been using a fitbit for over two years and it has been accurate enough for me to gain/lose/maintain by eating according to the number it calculates. Maybe stop being cheap and get a calculator that doesn't suck.
    erickirb wrote: »
    Wow, 16 cals per min biking for 80mins.... I highly doubt that. If you could burn 16 cals/min I doubt you could maintain that for more than 5-10 minutes.
    Last Saturday I ran 6.5 miles and burned 17 calories per minute for just over an hour.

    Based on what? Did you use a HRM? If so what Brand? Unless you are 300+ lbs I doubt you burned any more than 10-13 cals/minute over that duration.
    I use a schosche rhythm. I'm 179 lbs and spent 54 minutes at 90% max HR and another 6 minutes above that. It was a trail run with some steep hills.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    This image is from the WebMD Fit-O-Meter. As far as I can tell, they're using the same database of activities that everyone else is. But notice the problem. According to this, if I sleep for six hours, sit in front of a computer for most of the day, and then ride a bicycle 20 miles, I will burn 4254 calories. Given that my estimated BMR is 2000 calories, I find this highly unlikely. Using the TDEE calculators, even if I exercise at an intense level, my TDEE should be 3450. And based on the rate I'm losing weight, my daily calorie consumption is nowhere near 4254 calories.

    The above has you burning 2.4 calories per minute while sitting down. Do you weigh 800 pounds?

    No, the weight I entered into the tool was 214 lbs.

    mine has it at 1.7 calories a min @151lbs...but as I said mine is pretty close to my day and my TDEE

    When I sit around and do nothing, I burn 2400 calories a day, which is 100 per hour, which would be 0.6 per minute. How are you burning three times that? What the hell are you people doing in these "meetings" anyway?

    Also, that total day including sleep only adds up to 17 hours. Maybe the calculator is only intended for use on Earth.

    Clearly the answer to weight loss is attending more meetings. Hmmm, I'm self employed and mainly work from home. I wonder how the cats feel about regular scheduled meetings?
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    That's what happens when you use a poverty activity tracker, BMF master race checking in.
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    edited May 2015
    jemhh wrote: »
    This is the first I've ever seen that calculator. It is interesting, for sure. I searched for "cooking" and the only option was home activities, cooking Indian bread outside Then I searched for "washing" and the only option was religious activities, washing dishes at church.

  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    edited May 2015
    Loving that
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    This image is from the WebMD Fit-O-Meter. As far as I can tell, they're using the same database of activities that everyone else is. But notice the problem. According to this, if I sleep for six hours, sit in front of a computer for most of the day, and then ride a bicycle 20 miles, I will burn 4254 calories. Given that my estimated BMR is 2000 calories, I find this highly unlikely. Using the TDEE calculators, even if I exercise at an intense level, my TDEE should be 3450. And based on the rate I'm losing weight, my daily calorie consumption is nowhere near 4254 calories.

    The above has you burning 2.4 calories per minute while sitting down. Do you weigh 800 pounds?

    No, the weight I entered into the tool was 214 lbs.

    mine has it at 1.7 calories a min @151lbs...but as I said mine is pretty close to my day and my TDEE

    When I sit around and do nothing, I burn 2400 calories a day, which is 100 per hour, which would be 0.6 per minute. How are you burning three times that? What the hell are you people doing in these "meetings" anyway?

    Also, that total day including sleep only adds up to 17 hours. Maybe the calculator is only intended for use on Earth.

    @LiftAllThePizzas oh trust me I don't think that is only let me add 5 things but there are a couple additional items I added but it doesn't add to 24hours...

    I don't think I burn that much me...even if I sat on an exercise ball.....mine would have been over too if I had a full 24 hours I suspect.

    But to be frank I was on a calorie counting site that wanted all this information to figure you daily much you sleep, house work, sit watching TV etc...can you imagine doing that everyday... :o
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    This image is from the WebMD Fit-O-Meter. As far as I can tell, they're using the same database of activities that everyone else is. But notice the problem. According to this, if I sleep for six hours, sit in front of a computer for most of the day, and then ride a bicycle 20 miles, I will burn 4254 calories. Given that my estimated BMR is 2000 calories, I find this highly unlikely. Using the TDEE calculators, even if I exercise at an intense level, my TDEE should be 3450. And based on the rate I'm losing weight, my daily calorie consumption is nowhere near 4254 calories.
    I've been using a fitbit for over two years and it has been accurate enough for me to gain/lose/maintain by eating according to the number it calculates. Maybe stop being cheap and get a calculator that doesn't suck.
    erickirb wrote: »
    Wow, 16 cals per min biking for 80mins.... I highly doubt that. If you could burn 16 cals/min I doubt you could maintain that for more than 5-10 minutes.
    Last Saturday I ran 6.5 miles and burned 17 calories per minute for just over an hour.

    Based on what? Did you use a HRM? If so what Brand? Unless you are 300+ lbs I doubt you burned any more than 10-13 cals/minute over that duration.
    I use a schosche rhythm. I'm 179 lbs and spent 54 minutes at 90% max HR and another 6 minutes above that. It was a trail run with some steep hills.

    I would still think unlikely burns that high... and was that90% of max hr calculation 220-age, or off of your actual max hr as calculated by testing it.... 220-age can be way off and your 90% may really only 75-80ish if you max hr is higher than the generic calc gives you.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Well, there you go.

    What next? for nutritional info?