Nursing Student trying to find way of losing weight without taking too much time away

Prior to nursing student, I would go to the gym 3-4 times a week and maintain an ok weight. Now that I have been 1 year into nursing school I have gained an additional 25lbs. I and hoping to find friend for support and motivation to lose weight. In addition I'm looking for suggestions on what to eat/snap that is healthy, doesn't take much time to make, and low costing. Thanks guys in advance....


  • tdatsenko
    tdatsenko Posts: 155 Member
    Just adjust your caloric intake to your activity level. There's probably no specific food you should be eating. Eat what you want, just make it fit your calories.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was in the same boat back when I was in nursing school- gained 30 pounds easily.

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. Adjust your calorie goal (1 pound a week is a good place to start) and just eat in a deficit. Invest in a food scale- This will help you weight your portions out.

    Beef Jerky
    Wheat thins
    Fruit/ Veggies ( raw sugar snap peas are very good)

    Don't focus on the healthy vs. unhealthy. Anything can be eaten in moderation as long as you are hitting your macro and calorie goals for the day.