Eating Excercise calories



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited May 2015
    besaro wrote: »
    i ates them allz. lost 100 pounds that way.

    :bigsmile: yo yo, you go girl :bigsmile: :+1:

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    besaro wrote: »
    i ates them allz. lost 100 pounds that way.
    MB_Positif wrote: »
    I've always eaten them all. Through 50 pounds of weight loss, through 2 years of maintenance. And now through 2 bulk and cut cycles. It works.

    Great! Were you using apps to calculate your exercise, or typing exercises into MFP, or another way?

    I always used MFP's numbers, but often cut 10-20 minutes off of my exercise time to make up for any potential discrepancies.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    MB_Positif wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    besaro wrote: »
    i ates them allz. lost 100 pounds that way.
    MB_Positif wrote: »
    I've always eaten them all. Through 50 pounds of weight loss, through 2 years of maintenance. And now through 2 bulk and cut cycles. It works.

    Great! Were you using apps to calculate your exercise, or typing exercises into MFP, or another way?

    I always used MFP's numbers, but often cut 10-20 minutes off of my exercise time to make up for any potential discrepancies.

  • tschlach
    tschlach Posts: 33 Member
    I've often had the same question. I put my weight in on the elliptical and it monitors my pulse and at the end of 60 minutes the machine shows I've burned like 630 calories. When I put it into MFP it shows like 1100+ calories burned. That's a big difference. So what do you think is more accurate? I don't eat my calories back.
  • cmoll520
    cmoll520 Posts: 60 Member
    edited May 2015
    I use the Fitbit charge HR and it's pretty accurate. I don't eat all my calories back unless I'm hungry- but even doing that my calorie debt equaled basically exactly what I lost since having the fitbit.
  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    One of the main reasons I exercise is so I can eat more :open_mouth:;)

    me toooooo.... I love having so much wiggle room when I want to snack more!!!
    I try to eat half back but about 4 days a month I eat every last one LOL

  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    @macgurlnet Thanks! I knew I had seen it before, but since the revamp I couldn't find it (it's been a while since I used the app).
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    What is the consensus on this? Do you eat them back, do you not? Does it depend on the type of excercise?

    All the calorie counts & burns are nothing but estimates. And it's human nature to underestimate your food & overestimate your exertion level. So some people (not all) reduce the margin of error by eating back a percentage of their exercise calories.

    The more accurate your logging, the more of your exercise calories you can eat back. I eat 100% of my Fitbit adjustments, lost the weight, and have maintained for almost a year. YMMV.

    I did it by following the advice in the Sexypants post: