New to the community but not the struggle

hello everyone. I am trying (for a third time) to make and maintain my goal weight. I used to be super athletic when I was in high school. Then just basically stopped after I went through a pretty dark period. I feel better mentally now and am ready to feel better physically. I never bothered with scales and all of a sudden (ha) I gained over 100lbs. I finally looked at a scale awhile ago and was so ashamed when I saw 310. However, I decided to do something about it instead of playing the victim. I am here for support and looking for the same. The more people involved the easier this becomes. We are not alone.


  • Hippie2123
    Hippie2123 Posts: 18 Member
    A few weeks ago I weighed myself. I knew I gained a lot of weight, because I've been told I looked "bigger" in the face which kind of hurt. I have always had a good figure never was chubby, as a teen. I let myself go and its no ones fault, but my own.So I understand how you feel.
  • chopzilla_1
    chopzilla_1 Posts: 3 Member
    Ya it always hurts when you start getting those comments. I went out for drinks with a friend I haven't seen in a few years and the whole night all he could talk about was how much weight I had gained. Not a good night
  • fyland
    fyland Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in the same boat as all of you above. We can do this!!
  • MaJaPo2014
    MaJaPo2014 Posts: 7 Member
    I had my 1st child 8 months ago and was overweight before pregnancy. I have over 100lbs to lose and would love the support and will do the same...feel free to add me :smiley: