For heterosexual couples on the "journey" together...

_John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
I have to ask the it infuriating how many more calories we men get to eat in a day and still get results?

It has to be hard.


  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Used to be, but not anymore. I eat quite a bit and still lose, so it's all good.
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    Not really.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    lol I think you meant to say "lifters" and "non-lifters" rather than "men" and "women" :tongue:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    1/10 lame troll
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    lol I think you meant to say "lifters" and "non-lifters" rather than "men" and "women" :tongue:

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    lol I think you meant to say "lifters" and "non-lifters" rather than "men" and "women" :tongue:

    is there a difference? (had to, don't taze me bro)

  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Woman that lifts.
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    I couldn't care about his results. I'm focused on mine. That's like peeping over your hedges to watch how your neighbours mow their lawn and then getting frustrated with how yours looks after you've mowed it. Completely useless and of no help whatsoever.
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    1/10 lame troll

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    My wife is 6' at 380 pounds. I'm jealous of how much she can eat and still lose.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain and be honest - I love my BF and he is, on average, super supportive... But then there are those times he's eating chips and when I reach for one he pulls them away from me because he knows they can fit into his calorie alotment, but not mine. Some might call that good accountability, but it is frustrating (and a little insulting, honestly). It still feels bad, even though he's not exactly rubbing the extra calories in my face purposefully.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I couldn't care about his results. I'm focused on mine. That's like peeping over your hedges to watch how your neighbours mow their lawn and then getting frustrated with how yours looks after you've mowed it. Completely useless and of no help whatsoever.

    yea my lawn is on point, *kitten* the neighbors
  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    edited May 2015
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy: actually most of the people here are either single or gay :/ most but not all! shame this wasn't left as open to "all" opinions of anyone. could have been fun :bawling:
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy: actually most of the people here are either single or gay :/ most but not all! shame this wasn't left as open to "all" opinions of anyone. could have been fun :bawling:

    False... most are married, pretending to be single :joy:
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy: actually most of the people here are either single or gay :/ most but not all! shame this wasn't left as open to "all" opinions of anyone. could have been fun :bawling:

    False... most are married, pretending to be single :joy:

    I lol'd
  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy: actually most of the people here are either single or gay :/ most but not all! shame this wasn't left as open to "all" opinions of anyone. could have been fun :bawling:

    False... most are married, pretending to be single :joy:

    :joy: so true you wouldn't believe it! :joy:
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy:

    Well, I think (I hope) that the only reason homosexual couples were left out was because, if they weigh anything close to each other (which they might if they live together and share meals), they're going to have a similar daily allotment.

    Singles would've been valid though. I grew up with two male best friends - both of whom had to buy the smallest size pants and belt them so they would stay on. They ate EVERYTHING in sight.... and I was always on a diet. -_-

    Realizing you could've been joking, sorry if I killed the sarcasm. :\