
I've used MFP in the past, but I've not been here in awhile and I never introduced myself. My name is Nicole. I'm 24 and working on losing some weight. I am healthy with no negative side effects on my physical health, but that could change at any point. Honestly your physical health can change at any moment regardless of your size.
I am trying to lose weight simply because I want to, but believe me that does not make it any easier. I by no means want to be a stick because that can be just as dangerous as being overweight, I just want to be a comfortable size and shape for my body.


  • pacovsky99
    pacovsky99 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on the journey bc my health kinda went down! Good to hear your changing your eating habits before that happens. I got 65lbs to lose and only 5'2 . So excited to reach my goal. Good luck and feel free to add me.