Later Pregnancy & Exercise

My husband and I are trying to conceive our second child. We both have been focused on being more healthy this time around; I was almost 230 lbs my first pregnancy and am finally under 200 lbs for the first time in over 10 years.
Both my husband and I have been very disciplined with our diet and exercise. We both do Beachbody's Shakeology and Turbo Fire as well as actively using the MyFitnessPal app to track our intake.
I want to keep my routine going as long into my next pregnancy as safely as I can. I am looking for some recommendations for exercise DvD/Programs for later in my (soon to be, I hope) pregnancy. Any ladies out there have some good thoughts on any programs.


  • Tubby2Trim
    Davina's Pre and Post Natal DVD is really good (not particularly strenuous, so maybe best for the latter weeks of pregnancy), for earlier on I used Erin O'Brien's 'Complete Pregnancy Fitness' which gives you a really good workout but is safe for every stage of pregnancy (Erin, the instructor, is 8 months pregnant in the DVD so it makes you think "if she can do it so can I!") and then I'd also recommend 'Yogalates for Weight Loss' by Momentum Pictures. Good luck!