Adult Acne

c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
edited May 2015 in Chit-Chat
i have really bad acne still at 32 as well as sensitive combination skin & it's getting me down! I try to drink 2 litres of water a day but it seems my skin is breaking out even more! is that cos my skin is flushing bad stuff out through my face? how long will it take for my skin to settle down? is my skin going to get worse before it gets better?
also I have started to use micellar water for sensitive skin and it seems my skin is breaking out now after using it for a few days, is that because I am using a new product? will my skin calm down over time? how long?


  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    go to a dermatologist

    seriously. and yes you might be breaking out because of the new product

  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    I broke out a lot found out I had rosacea, it's genetic. Certain things trigger it like caffiene, alcohol, smoking and other things. I had to stop having water with any chemicals in it so no town/city water. I limit most caffeine, avoid tomato products and a lot of wheat products and stuff that has helped it out is rose cream - organic kinds dr. haushka rose cream and welada rose cream. Also mango seems to sooth my skin eaten mango. Yoga instructor friend said it was too much heat near the skin and not enough near the organs, started doing yoga it cleared up, stopped yoga came back a little but not as much. I avoid anything/everything that says rejuvenate for skin cream that just brings it out more because it stimulates the skin on the face. The creams/meds Docs gave me were only a temp fix and the cream messed with my vision so I stopped those after the first couple of months of trying it out.

    You may not have it but you should try a dermatologist they can help.
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    New products do seem to cause a flare up especially on my neck and cheeks, sometimes it goes down again once your skin gets used to it.

    I've found the only way to reduce my acne is non medicated non spot related face wash, quitting smoking and drinking tons of water. Pills, acupuncture, creams, steroids, birth control all failed. Basic cheap soap however seems to be working...

    (Adult acne is the worst. I had lovely skin in my teens. I hear chemical peels are the way to go and if it gets worse again where I'm heading!)