I have cronic dry eyes red at the 3 'Oclock and 9 'O clocks of my eyes Looking for ways 2 clear it.

blue_eyes1978 Posts: 127 Member
So it has been over a year since I have been to and eye Dr. I don't wear contacts or glasses. My dad has cronic dry eyes also something that everyone joked about when I was growing up. Saying things like your dad looks "high" and or drunk! I laughed it off because my dad is awesome he is not that type and most people who joked about it knew him to be a good person too.

So now I find myself trying to get myself into shape and feel good about that and all I can think of is what people must think about my eyes. As I lose weight I get out and do more things and I know people are making eye contact with me. Growing up I always have been complemented on my eyes. They are very blue and people always asked if I wear contacts.

Now when visiting my kids at school I worry the teachers think I am "high" or have been crying. Sometimes just to clear the air I throw it out there that my eyes are dry just so I can focus on why I'm there and not feel like they are looking to understand why my eyes are red.

So I thought I would put it out there here for anyone with any success getting rid of red eyes.. I do use visine when I really need to try to get rid of them but that's not good to use it all the time. Dr did prescribe me pat-a-day and told me no guarantees that it would take the red out. Not to mention when I asked the pharmacy how much it was going to cost me $30 was more than I could afford for eye drops that aren't guaranteed to take the red out only to offer me relief. Suggestions please I have tried olive oil in desperation and vinegar.. lol!! I know I 'm nuts but there has to be a natural way to do it :)


  • Sha1911
    Sha1911 Posts: 221 Member
    Hey, I get dry eyes every once in a while.
    I just buy some £5 eye drops and use them for 1-2 weeks while trying to get a good amount of sleep, and the redness and itchiness is gone!
  • blue_eyes1978
    blue_eyes1978 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks what is £5 eye drops? I have a eye pillow I used cold and it makes my eyes feel goo just never seem to get the red gone unless I drown my eyes in visine red out drops and I have heard that is really not good to use them that much.
  • unbreakable51
    unbreakable51 Posts: 25 Member
    I have this problem as well. My eye's aren't always red, but they get irritated easily. They would hurt a lot. I would get the drops from the eye doctor to clear them up, and they worked beautifully, but I would keep getting recurring problems. Burning, red eyes. I used allergy eye drops for awhile, and Systane tears, which are good, but I was just pouring them into my eyes, and I would still get irritations. So then he gave me a sample of a product called FreshKote. It used to be prescription, but not anymore. It is pricey -- over $30 a bottle. But I use it twice a day, at the most and it works. Some people don't like it because it can leave a residue around your eye, but you can just wipe that off. These drops work great for me. I know it sounds expensive, but it's worth it to me, because they work for me.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Visine is part of the problem. You need to use Refresh tears.
  • blue_eyes1978
    blue_eyes1978 Posts: 127 Member
    I have this problem as well. My eye's aren't always red, but they get irritated easily. They would hurt a lot. I would get the drops from the eye doctor to clear them up, and they worked beautifully, but I would keep getting recurring problems. Burning, red eyes. I used allergy eye drops for awhile, and Systane tears, which are good, but I was just pouring them into my eyes, and I would still get irritations. So then he gave me a sample of a product called FreshKote. It used to be prescription, but not anymore. It is pricey -- over $30 a bottle. But I use it twice a day, at the most and it works. Some people don't like it because it can leave a residue around your eye, but you can just wipe that off. These drops work great for me. I know it sounds expensive, but it's worth it to me, because they work for me.

    Thank you for that maybe I will see about getting samples to try before I buy. I am pretty used to the feeling and seem to tolerate it well. It's the appearance factor that drives me nuts. I will see check into this I appreciate the info :) Glad you found something that worked for you and I hope it works for me too.. :)

  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,027 Member
    I thought I was allergic to various things (cats). My eye doctor told me to soak my eyes with a warm wet cloth twice a day and then to massage my eye lids (rolling motion with my finger). Turns out I was not allergic to things; as we age our tear ducts in our eye lids dry out and the natural oils your eye lids produce, dries up leaving clogged ducts and dry eyes. It has worked very well for me and I do not need any eye drops anymore. Worked for me.
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    You've got the time all wrong. Chronic should occur at 4:20.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    My eye doctor says take 2 fish oil capsules daily; one with breakfast and one with dinner. I also have dry eyes and I have had surgery on one eye due to a melanoma growing on the white of that eye. The fish oil really helps.
  • ccourcha
    ccourcha Posts: 316 Member
    You've got the time all wrong. Chronic should occur at 4:20.

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You've got the time all wrong. Chronic should occur at 4:20.

  • blue_eyes1978
    blue_eyes1978 Posts: 127 Member
    LOL!! On a serious note I have still been itching my eyes out. Warm cloths do help and I will try the fish oil and see how that goes :) Thanks for the advise and the laughs :)
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    To be completely honest, if it's not genetics, then it's your environment. Staring at screens all day long will have a major effect on your eyes in general. Excess computer, TV, and cell phone use is a major cause of dry eyes, eye strain, and poor vision.