This time has to be different

xenafowl Posts: 4 Member
Hello all tomorrow begins a new journey for me. I am tired of starting over and over again and not losing the weight. It seems I start off strong and then slack off. I normally can commit to working out but struggle with what foods to combine that jump start my metabolism and then keep from getting bored with eating the same things. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. One day I want the 20 lbs gone!

Shoul I or should I not never eat after 7? Should you allow yourself a cheat day ? These are the efforts I must conquer.


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2015
    Don't try to "jump start" anything. You are getting too restrictive and that's causing you to throw up your hands and quit.

    It doesn't matter when you eat. I don't recommend a cheat day because that can really undermine your weekly calorie deficit. It's much better to eat what you want when you want it but just eat small enough portions of it so that you stay within your calorie goals.

    Exercise is good for your health but weight loss depends upon controlling calorie intake. Track what you eat and then you'll have data so that you can make adjustments you can live with long-term.
  • xenafowl
    xenafowl Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks much for your quick reply. That certainly puts me at ease!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I think you should allow yourself treats but track them in to your day. If you indulge in something, write it may find that it is worth it OR if you had less you could fit it in to your day. Use the MFP's not exact (unless you are purchasing a brand item) but you can definitely get a good idea and use that.

    plan on slow and steady...if you only have 20 pounds to lose, even 1 pound a week is going to be hard to do long term.

    I do best when I am sticking with what I call basic foods, chicken breasts, vegetables, fruits...everything weighed on my food scale and tracked by the ounce.

    You can do this!
  • xenafowl
    xenafowl Posts: 4 Member
    Aw thanks so much. I am definitely going to get a food scale. Slow and steady wins the race! I know Incan do this and will take one day at a time. My first challenge is to track my food choices every day for 21 days so it becomes a habit.