Summer Slim Down Challenge

Either You have worked for months to lose the weight for summer and you don't want to gain it back or you're ready to start your weight-loss transformation, this will be the group for you. Once you accept the Challenge invitation and agree to the main post I will add you to the private Facebook group.

Summer Slim Down Challenge Rules
1) Must have to commit to it from June 1, 2015- Labor Day.
2) Must track you food in some kind of weight lose journal that you can share. I prefer myfitnesspal. You can get to it from a computer or from the app.
3) Must be willing to get out and move 5-6 days a week. You can either walk/run, do workout DVDS, go to a gym or some other form of exercise (barre, crossfit)
4) Must post to the group regularly

I am running a group on Facebook too if that is easier than posting here.
