How to go around College Buffets

So I'm going off to college this fall and the college I'll be attending has buffets. Obviously there's an enormous amount of food there, good and bad. I'm that kind of person that can eat healthy and have no problems but as soon as someone shows me fatty food and unhealthy sweets I'll be the first one to snatch some of those.

How can I deal with this problem?


  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    On our last all-in holiday, there was also a large buffet, three times a day. My trick was to chose a desert plate to load up, and choose very carefully, because I did not allow myself to go back for seconds. I drank wine, had icecream and managed to not gain weight during that holiday. Not always easy though, as we made some friends there, and we would stay at the table with them for a long time...