Calculating Goals for Pregnancy

Hi everyone. I'm currently pregnant with my first child and I want to be sure that I'm eating enough (but not too much) and that I'm also getting enough of all of the nutrients that I need for a healthy pregnancy. There isn't a pregnancy setting in MFP, so I need to manually figure out my settings. I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and my pre-pregnancy weight was 200 lbs. For reference, I'm 5'8" and 25 years old. I have found a couple of calculators online and some say I should eat 1,981 calories per day and another says 2,200 calories per day. I'm not sure which is accurate. Also, I'm not sure how I should configure my nutrient settings. I'm hoping that someone out there has some advice! I also plan to talk to my OB about this at my next appointment, but that's not for another three weeks.


  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Congrats, I am not sure on how many calories you should have, you could have it all planned out and only want to eat chocolate. Those craving are a killer and if you don't feed it you will go crazy. Some of the foods you should be eating might make you sick, just keep all of this in mind, your body is changing in a big way. No you are not eating for two, so meals should not be super sized and if you like veggies and fruit and are able to eat them and keep them down than that's a good start. My first I could only eat cheerios and carrots and drank water, my 2nd all I wanted was junk, I had to really force myself to eat other foods and my last child it was spicy Indian food for breakfast, lunch and dinner oh and eggs and cucumbers. Be active, walk do whatever you are able to. Your OB should have the answers for you, really try not to stress about weight gain, that is going to happen, stay focus on eating right and feeling great. I was already big so I did not gain a lot of weight throughout my pregnancies, I put weight on in the middle of my last trimester which I believe is normal. Good luck, congrats and don't stress. Enjoy, being pregnant is such a wonderful feeling morning sickness and Congrats again.
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    I was told an additional 400 calories while pregnant was sufficient. So I would set it to maintainece and add 400.