Friend me! Let's do this!!



  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Having people stand with you and also cheer you on to your goal is so warming and motivating. Count me in!
  • Froxen
    Froxen Posts: 17 Member
    Down 30, 30 more to go!
  • arantxasanchez2016
    arantxasanchez2016 Posts: 4 Member
    How long did it take u?

  • ljopurcell
    ljopurcell Posts: 19 Member
    Just out of a relationship. Feeling lighter already. Want to get back to the weight I'm used to. Would have to lose 40 lbs but be happy to lose 20 lbs. I love cheering for people! Go You! Go me! Go us!! Let's do this people!!!!

  • ljopurcell
    ljopurcell Posts: 19 Member
    I feel the same. Would like to lose 40 to be comfortable with myself again. Taking it 5 pounds at a time, but haven't lost any yet. It's only been a couple weeks for me but staying on track is my challenge. I need a sponsor. :)