help, going back and forth at the same weights. not loosing

Have lost 35lbs regularly in 3 months, about 2 lbs a week. Now for the past 2 weeks, I gained 4 then loss 2 now gain almost another 2 lbs. I haven't changed anything other than maybe not getting enough sleep. Maybe it's time for something new? What are your ideas?


  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    Two weeks is nothing in weightloss. All sorts of things that aren't fat could be changing the number on the scale. Frustrating I know, but if you're doing everything right, then the scale will move in the right direction eventually. Just maybe not in a pattern or speed that you would prefer. :)

    If you open your food diary up and set it to public, you'll get faster, more useful answers.