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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Why doesn't everyone comment on this thread?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Do we want everyone?
    Isn't it like a small exclusive club?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Do you think we should have an application for others?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    wouldn't that be really funny?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Don't you think we're all hilarious already? Do you think we'd have fun with the applications?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I think we are the most hilarious group of people gathered on any thread here?
    Can you pretend that was a question?
    Shouldn't we make up the application while drunk?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Wouldn't that be the best application if they had to fill out while drunk? Maybe we could see how funny they really are while intoxicated?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Do you think we should get drunk and fill out our own application, for fun? :D
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Could you be onto something?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Should we start drinking now?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Might I have had some wine already?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Might it only be 3pm here? Don't you know I am holding out for post work and gym so that I can drink some wine?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Do you know that wine doesn't fit my macros but tequila does?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Isn't the rule if dieting to only drink hard liquor?
    Should I buy some ciders for tomorrow? Does it feel like it will be a cider kinda evening?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Don't you love ciders and bonfires?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Isn't the best hard liquor in terms of calories/macros the clear stuff? Does that mean I can drink all the tequila I want?
    Mmm don't you just love cider? Did you know it's one of my favourite things to drink?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Cider is great but isn't it super high in calories?
    Should we juat exercise a lot so we can indulge in cider?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Is it? Do you know how sad that makes me? Is it all the sugar?
    Doesn't it seem like a great trade off?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Isn't sugar annoying?
    Isn't it good to indulge once in awhile?
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Who's going start filling out the app first?