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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • slinkybinkydog
    slinkybinkydog Posts: 38,959 Member
    Why don't you like shopping?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Why you all hating on shopping?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    Did you want me to track all the awesomes for everyone ? Do I get a finders fee for each one I log ? How will you pay me? I have paypal do you?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    did you like how I ask questions and assume I already know the answers? Is this yet one more reason I am awesome?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Might some of your awesome.rub off on us it we remain in your awesome presence
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    What have I been missing here today? Is this thread moving faster than usual?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Why you all hating on shopping?

    might it be a chore that just needs to get done quick so one can do better things?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    what are these better things? What is better than shopping after all? Arent we shopping for compliments and what not here on this site?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    But doesn't looking at produce and meat and sruff make your brain think of fun and yummy stuff to cook?
    Doesn't looking at new clothing make you happy?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    cant one shop without spending money? Isnt that called window shopping?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    edited September 2016
    Would that (shopping for compliments)be a different kind of shopping? Could it be more fun than shopping for food or clothes?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    I like window shopping on MFP for future baby momma's dont you?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    thats what I heard. Was that a lie? is this forum REALLY about losing weight or more for ogling pictures using filters and photo shop?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    rebel_26 wrote: »
    I like window shopping on MFP for future baby momma's dont you?

    Does the way that's worded make me wanna face palm a little bit lol? Or maybe just laugh?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    Who doesn't oogle?
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    edited September 2016
    Did you ever think this thread would get to 1621 pages of mostly worthless banter with only a few mistakes in where someone didn't phrase things as a question? Should we go down in the MFP hall of fame as the very best in breed MFP players who follow the rules of a thread?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Who wants a tutu? Might I have two?

    Are you sharing?

  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Am I the only one whose mind went to inbred and horror movies?

    Is it okay if the rest of us just sit back and refrain from answering that question? Is the lack of answer a possible agreement?

  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    wrong turn?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Are you driving?