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  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    have you ever eaten any penquins @candiinprogress ?

    Do you think I would have? Don't you know that I think that is a disgusting idea? Wouldn't their meat be super fatty?
    synchkat wrote: »
    Wow you believe i saw penguins in New Zealand? Aren't they also in South Africa? And don't you say Antarctica as ant-ark-tick-a?

    Do you, I do believe you? So you didn't know that there are penguins in multiple countries around the world?

    Did you know it's more like 'An-tark-tick-a'?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    do they talk funny in zeeland? do they speak american also?

    Don't you know that only Americans speak American, and the rest of the world can't understand you? :tongue:
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    how do you pronounce DOCK in Zeeland?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Did you know it would still sound like dock? But how do you think we say deck?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    How do we know who uses the correct pronunciation?

    Would ypu believe our penguins at thw zoo are from South Africa?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    What kind of penguins are they ali? At what zoo?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Would you believe they are called African or black footed penguins? would the zoo belong to the city where I live? Did you know I live in Toronto?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    are there different kinds of penquins? would they taste differnt?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Did you know I wasn't sure? Why aren't they called the South African penguin? Doesn't that confuse people?
    Did you know I used to work in a zoo?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    was it called new Zooland?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    have you seen Zoolander?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    have you seen Zoolander?

    Would you believe that I have not?
    was it called new Zooland?

    Do you know that that did actually make me laugh?

    Ali - did you know that Toronto zoo is on the list of zoos Ive always wanted to go to?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Shouldn't you come visit? Would you believe we ate zoo members? Might that be why we go a lot?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Shouldn't you come visit? Would you believe we ate zoo members? Might that be why we go a lot?

    You ATE zoo members? Do you think that makes me want to stay away?

    Did you know Canada is the place I plan to visit next?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Shouldn't you come visit? Would you believe we ATE zoo members? Might that be why we go a lot?

    Umm - did you really eat zoo members @synchkat ? did they go well with fava beans and a nice Chianti?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Haha. Doesn't everyone eat zoo members?

    Don't you think you'd like Canada Candi? Did you know it has a very familiar feel kind of culturally to new Zealand?
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Haha. Doesn't everyone eat zoo members?

    Don't you think you'd like Canada Candi? Did you know it has a very familiar feel kind of culturally to new Zealand?

    Don't you think I would love Canada? Did you know I've been dreaming of it for years?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    What part would you visit?
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    Is it true that canadians are really friendly ?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    arent you skeered of the polar bears Candi? dont you know that them and the mooses run wild in the streets?