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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    did you know that i like peeps, but they upset my tender little stomach? does anyone know why i drank my self silly last night? should i re-read all the facebook posts i made while inebriated?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Shouldn't you screen shot all the Facebook posts you made last night to show us?

    Would you believe I've never eaten a Peep?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    do they sell peeps in the frozen north?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Would you believe they do? Might they kind of freak me out and just the look of them makes me think I wouldn't be able to swallow one?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    have you ever seen anyone that has just eaten one? isnt it crazy how thier mouth is all discolored from the food dye?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Would you believe I've never seen anyone eat even one?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    do you live a sheltered life up there in Canadia? have you have cable television?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    I don't have to eat a peep do I?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Maybe we just don't like eating gross things?

    Should I go try on dresses and see what I want to give away to charity?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    Did you know I did not partake in the office doughnuts this morning?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    if you do, can you post pictures so we can rate them for you?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    isnt it hard to pass up a donut?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Did you know I did not partake in the office doughnuts this morning?

    Bet that felt good didn't it?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    does denying oneself pleasure equate to feeling good? do you think that life is too short not to enjoy every minute of it?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    Don't you think it did?
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    how could it?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    Could it feel good because It's a small victory in my self improvement?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Do you know that there are days when I feel like a doughnut??
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    do you look like a donut? ever wonder why we put so many letters in such a simple word? can i applaud your achievements and yet question the very philosophy behind it?
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    edited September 2016
    Do you think I get that Nacho? :) Do you think I appreciate your applause?