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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    I guess?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    Do you feel guessing has had a major impact on whether to rub or not rub the Genie's Lamp?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    Oh, I would definitely rub the lamp, wouldn't you?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    Isn't rubbing the lamp the reason we were searching for it anyway?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    Searching? What makes you think I didn't just find it in my basement? :D
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    You actually had the lamp buried in your basement?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    You actually had the lamp buried in your basement?

    Are you calling me a hoarder? Don't you know I prefer the term packrat?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    Since you obviously have had the lamp for a long time, why haven't you rubbed it sooner??
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    Since you obviously have had the lamp for a long time, why haven't you rubbed it sooner??

    What makes you think I knew it was there? Maybe the previous owners hid it there?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    What makes you think I "Hid" it there? Didn't you find it interesting where you found it?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    What makes you think I "Hid" it there? Didn't you find it interesting where you found it?

    You previously owned my house?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    If I had owned your house, why would I have left? And why did I leave my lamp buried in the basement?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    Shouldn't you be the other answering those questions?
  • patrick_star_trek
    patrick_star_trek Posts: 1,386 Member
    I could, but I won't.
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    If I answered those questions myself, wouldn't you now know all the answers about the lamp?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    If I answered those questions myself, wouldn't you now know all the answers about the lamp?

    Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?
  • mellecita
    mellecita Posts: 6,189 Member
    I could, but I won't.

    Was that a question?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    Do you think knowing all the answers is a good thing?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    Is the question in question, possibly not a question?
  • PastChief04
    PastChief04 Posts: 142 Member
    If I were to be finishing work, would you consider resuming this discussion tomorrow?