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  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    skahtboi wrote: »
    Got this pic of a friendly cassowary last week
    at a section of beach 15 mins from home..

    srazamora wrote: »
    Idk and mine is good. See any interesting movies lately?

    What's the last good movie you watched?

    Last one was Spider-Man Homecoming, I wanna go see Kingsman 2 though. You ever seen the first one?

    I looooved the first one, except for the bit where I thought she'd shot the dog :( Do you think the sequel will be as good?

    I hope so, the previews look good. When was the last time you worked out?

    Do you count a quick walk down the beach between showers a workout?
    Is there any pizza left?

    Hmm there was this morning , I wonder who ate the last bit?

    Can you take a picture of the beach so I can live vicariously through you, @slimgirljo15 ?

    Is this what you wanted?


    Should I be wary of a cassowary?

    Might I have taken that pic from my car?
    Do you know they have feet like emus and have a long sharp middle toe?

    So....are they descendants of the velociraptor????

  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Did you know sometimes the stars align and you just get lucky? And not a pervy kind of lucky but lucky in life?

    And did you know that sometimes comets leave trash, and that tonight we will be passing through the litter of Halley's comet? Did you know it is known as the Orionids Meteor shower?

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    skahtboi wrote: »
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Did you know sometimes the stars align and you just get lucky? And not a pervy kind of lucky but lucky in life?

    And did you know that sometimes comets leave trash, and that tonight we will be passing through the litter of Halley's comet? Did you know it is known as the Orionids Meteor shower?

    Would you believe I did know this?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Have you been reminded, then?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    What's everybody up to today?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Did you know I applied for and got the boy a new passport today and was able to watch my friend play in her tournament again today?
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Are you going on a trip? Did your friend win?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Would you believe she did and now I can take the boy to watch her tomorrow?
    Might we be going to Philadelphia on Monday to be with my brother when he gets an award on Tuesday?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Is it strange I feel the need to wear a particular dress to a function because I feel it deserves a chance?
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    Do you think that maybe the dress feels the same way about you?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Are we both giving each other a chance?
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    Doesn't that sound reasonable?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    When one attributes a personality to a dress doesn't anything really sound reasonable?
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    Are you saying that throughout my childhood when my mom took me clothes shopping, and I would try on an outfit, and she would ask me, "How do those clothes feel?" that she wasn't speeking about the clothes feelings?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    bweath2 wrote: »
    Are you saying that throughout my childhood when my mom took me clothes shopping, and I would try on an outfit, and she would ask me, "How do those clothes feel?" that she wasn't speeking about the clothes feelings?

    Do you realize this just blew my mind?
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Is it raining where you are?
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,519 Member
    Do you know it was beautiful, 76 degrees and sunny all day?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Might we have had a beautiful day today and I spent most of it indoors?
  • Wax_on_wax_off
    Wax_on_wax_off Posts: 893 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Might we have had a beautiful day today and I spent most of it indoors?

    Can you believe I had to spend my day in my bedroom?