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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    skahtboi wrote: »
    Would you believe tired? Would you believe that this it gets harder and harder and harder year after year to go back to school? Do you think I haven't already scheduled a decompression time after school tomorrow with some co-workers at a local watering hole? Does this give you any indication?? :)

    And just how the heck are you?
    Did you know I had an awesome day having a loooong lunch at a beautiful marina yesterday ? Sorry :#

    Would you believe I am both happy for you and envious of you at the same time?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Isn't teaching a very rewarding thing to do?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Do you really want to get me started on this? Would you believe it can be quite rewarding, but that the intrusion of government into the business and the total disconnect on the part of parents are taking away from what could be an all around wonderful experience for both teacher and student? Would you also believe that the low pay is driving many promising young teachers into other fields? Do you really want me to go on with this diatribe?? Should I quietly step down from my soap box now??
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Would you like a chill pill ?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Would you believe if I said I use to teach...not in the same capacity by any means but I have taught and know it's incredibly rewarding? Maybe I still kind of teach today? And maybe I do it for free cause I love helping others?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Would you believe if I said I use to teach...not in the same capacity by any means but I have taught and know it's incredibly rewarding? Maybe I still kind of teach today? And maybe I do it for free cause I love helping others?

    Would you believe that, in my opinion, that is the best reason to teach?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Would you like a chill pill ?

    Do you think I can think of other things I would rather have?
  • JSurita3
    JSurita3 Posts: 10,177 Member
    What pray tell might that be? ;)
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Do you know what my guess would be ? :p
  • JSurita3
    JSurita3 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Don't great minds think alike? :p:p
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Do we have great minds??...never mind ..that doesn't need an answer B)
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Have you two been questioning me when I wasn't around??
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    What do you think?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Do you really think I can engage my brain this early in the morning?
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Answer a simple question ...whats your name?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Don't you know already? Can't you see that it is in my screen name?
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Didn't you realise I was trying to see if your brain was engaged by asking a simple question ?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Is he mysteriously nameless?
  • skahtboi
    skahtboi Posts: 7,804 Member
    Didn't you realise I was trying to see if your brain was engaged by asking a simple question ?

    Did you really think, even in my sleep drunk state, I would fall for that?
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Lol...is your name boi?