calorie advice for Insanity from those who have had success

Alright, so here's the deal:

I used to weigh 200 lbs. I came to college and within my first two years, I lost a total of 20 lbs, which put me down to 180 lbs without even really trying that much. I went to the gym everyday, but I had no idea i had lost that much until I went to the doctor, which is great.

So, now that's it's summer I decided to try Insanity. I'm on week 3 now and I love it! I have definitely gained A LOT more fitness and I feel like I get a lot out of the workouts. I've also lost 4.5 inches total at the two week mark! Here's the problem though: without really paying attention to what I ate, I lost 10 lbs in a week, which was crazy. Now, however, I am trying to eat clean and eat more protein and the scale hasn't budged. It was super rapid weight loss and then nothing! If anything, I've gained a few pounds, though it depends on what time a day I weigh myself as to whether or not that is true. I do find it REALLY hard to eat my suggested caloric intake of 1900 though. I never hit that, so maybe that's my problem? I don't know. What do y'all think? How much did y'all eat when doing Insanity? If you think I should, do you have any tips on how to increase my calories each day? It's so hard to eat clean and eat that many calories haha.

Oh, and here are my stats:
170 lbs.
5'6" tall
20 years old

Thanks so much!


  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    I'm on month 2 and most days I'm about 1700, try some pumpkin seeds maybe, lotsa good fats and will add 300 cals with a handful :) Add me if you like!

  • jnowenby
    jnowenby Posts: 9
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Try looking at this article, it might explain what's happening.

    I haven't done Insanity, but I was reading up on this topic just today, and still had the article in my browser, which is why I'm replying.

    From the article:
    Another implication of the water/glycogen relationship on bodyweight is that whereas the first 4000 calorie deficit you create will reduce your weight some ten pounds, the next 4000 calorie deficit is likely only going to reduce your bodyweight a paltry two pounds! This is because a pound of fat stores 3500 calories and requires about a pound of water for storage. Thus, the initial weight-loss will seem easy compared to the drudging continued weight-loss when you’re actually burning stored fat.
  • jnowenby
    jnowenby Posts: 9
    thanks to both of you! very helpful! I hope that's all it is.
  • katie190177
    katie190177 Posts: 38 Member
    I am on week 4 of insanity and I have been hitting 1900 calories usually, I don't usually care about the number calories but more so the quality of them, and keeping an eye on my macro breakdown. I am super happy with my progress so far, definitely a noticeable fat loss, but only a 4lb dip on the scale. I am also a smoothie ADDICT, I can squeeze a solid 500-700 calories into my smoothies and feel great knowing the nutrition I've also packed into them. My food diary is open, so feel free to peek at my go to smoothies, just don't mind the beer here and there :)
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