"I'm pretty into myself"

angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
So I posted a status last night: "I think its pretty safe to say...I'm pretty into myself. Sorry I'm not sorry! :tongue: "

This is the response I got: "Too me it kinda just comes off like low self esteem. It's been my experience that the ones who talk the loudest/most about how great they are and how much they love themselves are actually just trying to convince the world of that because they can't seem to convince themselves. ...but we all have to find ways to cope with ourselves, and if that works for you, then great. It's like Kanye said, 'We all self conscious, I'm just the first to admit it.'"

This opened up a really interesting conversation in my mind and I thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to chime in.

So the big question is this: WHY isn't it socially acceptable to love yourself?? lol Think about it...Its not usually socially acceptable to go around saying you love yourself and praising yourself without people thinking you're either conceited and arrogant or sad and insecure. But WHY?! lol Why isn't it socially acceptable to love ourselves and be OPEN about it?

I think I'm pretty AWESOME...Some days more than others. If you're awesome too, not afraid to say it out loud, and aren't offended by my awesomeness, feel free to ADD ME!! :drinker: