
carlahall93 Posts: 3 Member
Hi I'm new to fitness pal. When you exercise and it comes with more calories I can eat because I've exercised does that mean I can get more? For example my daily intake is 1200 but because I've exercised it added on 350 so I can then eat 1550? Sorry if this is a thick question I'm just want to lose weight asap!

Thanks. Carla


  • spenrey
    spenrey Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Carla, basically yes. Eating back your calories. You don't have to but neither do you want to feel too hungry and then binge or eat too little and feel lethargic. Being way under every so often is not a big issue
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    That is good to know.....
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    Just be aware the many of the exercise calorie counts in the MFP database are overestimates. If you do choose to eat back your exercise calories, eat a little less than the calorie count you get.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Equus5374 wrote: »
    Just be aware the many of the exercise calorie counts in the MFP database are overestimates. If you do choose to eat back your exercise calories, eat a little less than the calorie count you get.
    Agree with this. If you're getting your estimate from MFP or a machine, I'd suggest starting with only eating back half. To make this easier, I usually only log the calories I plan to eat. You can adjust the calories for any exercise.
  • carlahall93
    carlahall93 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys this is really helpful