JM 30 Day Shred Group?



  • Tmochava
    Tmochava Posts: 41 Member
    Has the group been created? Or do we just post here?
  • jmcarroll6491
    jmcarroll6491 Posts: 2 Member
    Is it too late to join? I think I'm going to do these work outs starting either today or tomorrow :)
  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    Anybody is welcome to join! We can post updates here or if you scroll up lasmartchika has posted a link to the main group! I just started and it is definitely a tough workout but I'm loving it! Hopefully I can make it through!
  • ShootingStar72
    ShootingStar72 Posts: 183 Member
    gemmi33 wrote: »
    I completed the shred last year so I already have the DVD and weights. Been looking for a June challenge. I'm in!

    ShootingStar what were the results like, and how did you find it?

    Not ShootingStar, but I did it last summer - in 30 days, I lost about 8 pounds and several inches all over. I repeated it for an extra 20 days, alternating days 2 and 3, and in 50 days lost 12 pounds and (IIRC) 7.5-8 inches.

    Hi Gemmi - Krogers had much better results than I did... nice work! I lost a few lbs and a few inches all over, but was still recovering from a bad knee injury so I had to dial down the intensity quite a bit on the first time thorugh this plan. I really loved the program though, and plan to hit it harder this go round. The only draw back was the repetition... 10 days is a long time to listen to the same video over and over. I just put Jillian on mute and turn on some music, and each workout seems to go really fast. I hope you enjoy it!

    Day 1 done (yesterday) and I am sore in the shoulders and chest. My legs and butt not so much, so I need to follow Natalie a bit more closely than Anita today!
  • HannaDing
    HannaDing Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the information concerning the calories. :smile: Now I just have to estimate it for my weights and measures.

    What weights do you most use? I use two 3 lbs weights.

    Oh, and starting Day 2 of 30. Feeling pretty good after yesterday's exercise.
  • annemariebeary
    annemariebeary Posts: 5 Member
    This morning I started Day 1 of Level 2. It was intense!! So much harder than level 1 but I felt great after.
    Even though I am a little bit ahead I figured I would post anyway. Good Luck everyone!
  • tesemarie
    tesemarie Posts: 37 Member
    I just did day one today! I'm in!! Boy was it tough! My legs were a little wobbly afterward
  • aconiam77
    aconiam77 Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2015

    L1D2 done ! 27 min, 183 cal, 122 bpm avg hr
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Ok day 1 done. Good news is that it wasn't nearly as hard as I was expecting. Still tough. I did take a couple breaks to catch my breath. The jump rope kills me. Every. Time. 29 days to go...
  • ccarson3298
    ccarson3298 Posts: 1 Member
    I started this tape about 3 weeks ago, not everyday but trying for 2-3 says a week. I've done levels 1-2, not 3 yet. Love these works ours, they kick my *kitten*.... Just got the Biggest Losers 30 day Power X-Train today, did my first workout, little different, but just as good!! Between the two it's enough to keep it interesting!!
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    Love this video! Have had success in the past! I'm going to friend request you. Let me know when you start :)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi im interested in getting this program but is there alot of plyo or jumps bc I have a hip problem I cant do it but I can do alternatemoves.
  • tesemarie
    tesemarie Posts: 37 Member
    I just finished day 2 of level 1. I may have to adapt the cardio portion some. I seem to have a very sensitive calf muscle in my left leg that feels like it "snaps" like a rubberband if I do too much jumping around. I did a lot of punching and gentler leg motion to keep heart rate up. I'm thinking more stretching before hand and such may help it. All in all though, just the weights and abs portion alone is more than I was doing so I expect results even if I have to take down the cardio some...
  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    tesemarie wrote: »
    I just finished day 2 of level 1. I may have to adapt the cardio portion some. I seem to have a very sensitive calf muscle in my left leg that feels like it "snaps" like a rubberband if I do too much jumping around. I did a lot of punching and gentler leg motion to keep heart rate up. I'm thinking more stretching before hand and such may help it. All in all though, just the weights and abs portion alone is more than I was doing so I expect results even if I have to take down the cardio some...

    I'm also on day 2 of level 1 and I think I may have to adjust as well-I had surgery on my knee and had a plate and screws put in several years ago and the jumping jacks feel truly awful.

    I think the workout will definitely give me positive results though because my activity level before this was pretty much zero.

  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi im interested in getting this program but is there alot of plyo or jumps bc I have a hip problem I cant do it but I can do alternatemoves.

    There are jumping jacks and jump rope movements
  • aconiam77
    aconiam77 Posts: 21 Member
    Day 3 = Zumba !! 52 min, 363 cal, 129 bpm avg hr
  • tesemarie
    tesemarie Posts: 37 Member
    So just as an FYI, I ended up injuring my calf muscle and have to wear a boot for a week or 2 while it heals doing yesterday's 30 day shred. My calf muscle had ocasduonally been tweaking a bit during my walk/run routine but jumping jacks did it. If you have had any muscle issues before starting 30 day shred, just be sure to stretch and warm up before you start the dvd :). I'm going to continue doing it with all upper body cardio only during the cardio times :).
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Day 2 of level one completed, last night. Definitely better. I incorporated the weights. I only have a 5lb set. I think they are a little too much to start out with so I think I'm going to try using them every other day. I also cut my grass so bonus cardio :)
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Day 3 level one done.
  • kiran61012
    kiran61012 Posts: 22 Member
    Day two of level one completed with one kilo hand weights! Made my sister in law do it with me this morning for added motivation. Have got an extra three work outs to catch up this week.