Maintaining weight question

once I hit my goal weight does myfitnesspal change from telling me what I have to eat calorie wise for losing weight to maintaining weight?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Not automatically, no. You have to set your goal from (for example, 1 pound/week) to maintain.
  • jwseip
    jwseip Posts: 19 Member
  • jwseip
    jwseip Posts: 19 Member
    Oh ok so change from losing pound per week to maintain
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    You will have to change your goal from a loss to maintain, and remember that it takes a while getting used to maintaining, you'll have to tinker with it to get it right. Well done on your loss :)
  • jwseip
    jwseip Posts: 19 Member
    How much does calorie intake increase with maintaining? I looked on a maiden r chart and it said while maintaining I can eat 2063 cal and I eat like 1300 now,
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    Great job! Congrats!
  • jwseip
    jwseip Posts: 19 Member
    Using the maintenance calculator at calorie it says that when I weigh 168 to maintain that I can eat, 2,186 calories daily to maintain 168 lbs.

    That seems a lot since I eat about 1260 calories a day noe
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I let MFP do it for me. I set my goal for 0 pounds gained/lost per week. It gives me a calorie goal to hit for maintenance. If you were on a 1 pound a week loss, it should add 500 calories a day to what you are eating now.
  • jwseip
    jwseip Posts: 19 Member
    I'm at 2 lbs to lose each week now
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2015
    jwseip wrote: »
    Using the maintenance calculator at calorie it says that when I weigh 168 to maintain that I can eat, 2,186 calories daily to maintain 168 lbs.

    That seems a lot since I eat about 1260 calories a day noe
    jwseip wrote: »
    I'm at 2 lbs to lose each week now
    Those numbers come really close to matching.

    If you are set for 2 lbs per week, that requires that you eat 1000 fewer calories per day than what you would eat in order to maintain. 1260 + 1000 = 2260, which is really close to the 2186 that the other site told you. None of these estimates are exact.

    Are you at your goal weight or just asking for the future? It's best to slowly reduce your pounds per week goal as you get closer to your desired weight.

    When you switch to maintenance, you may want to work slowly into the calorie increase. Just add 100 calories to your daily goal and eat that new goal for a week and then up your calories another 100 the next week until you find a calorie amount that works for you.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    jwseip wrote: »
    I'm at 2 lbs to lose each week now

    Far too aggressive for the last 6lbs - start adding calories now!
  • jwseip
    jwseip Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks I switched to lose 1lb an week and my calories went from 1500 to 1660 daily