approaching my goal, but I really need motivation in order to finish!

I started this journey as 250 lbs in October, and now I'm 188. Sounds like a good loss, I know, but here we are almost in June and I can't seem to lose these last pounds! I'm 6'0'' and my goal is the 160s. Is that out of reach? It seems like the month of May, I keep bouncing around. One day I'm 188, the next 191, by the following week, I'm 193, then back to 188. I've been like this all month! I'm working out 6 days a week, rest on Sunday, and my current calories are set to 1360 a day. It just seems like it was not this difficult to get this weight off.

On another note, I did get a different scale today. One that also measures Body fat %. I figured that would track my progress since I am lifting rather than just my weight.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    BF scales tend to be wildly inaccurate.
    Review your deficit, tighten your logging.