Carbs? Are they friend or foe?



  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carbs are a macro nutrient.... plain and simple.

    They do NOT cause weight gain, or weight loss. What causes weight gain is a SURPLUS in calories, what causes weight loss is a DEFICIT in calories.

    When people "Bulk" (gain weight, mass, muscle, etc.) they eat more carbs because it's the easiest and usually most tolerable macro nutrient to eat an abundance of. I mean, not everyone can eat 500+g of protein a day and tolerate it for to long.

    When people try to lose weight, they cut carbs, because protein and fats are ESSENTIAL nutrients your body NEEDS. You don't necessarily NEED carbs like you do protein and fat, so hence saying that, that is why people cut carbs and not protein or fat.

    It's totally possible to lose weight eating nothing but carbs daily, it's not healthy, but, it can be done.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Neither. They are food.

  • hazsean
    hazsean Posts: 6 Member
    An ice cream carb has a different
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Sugary carbs in foods like pasta and doughnuts have no good nutrients in them

    They are often called junk calories

    Junk food

    Calories from fruits and veggies will have nutrients. Those vary wildly and you can find all that in this program nutrient breakdown.

    But yeah... Junk carbs are junk. And lots of times those junk sugar carbs carry fat and salt.

    Coconut oil and salmon contain healthy fat. And some avocado slices on a great salad... Mmm yummy

    French fries contain bad fat, bad carbs, and a ton of salt.

    There is a whole lot of food demonizing there ^^^^ You are just painting with a broad brush as to what is good or bad without considering context or the overall contents of a person's diet. Doing that skews your ability to give people proper advice.

    Food demonizing!

    It was very exact.

    Doughnuts, French fries, pasta were mentioned specifically.

    Those items are not nutrient rich.

    Please look them up and observe the actual facts concerning their content of macronutrients and value as building blocks to your body.

    Why is a fact somehow offensive?

    Strange way of thinking. Pointing out a fact is demonizing and a broad brush stroke?

    Are you offended by math too?

    You have to take a persons personal demands into consideration and at what point they may need a high carb intake! I run a lot and it is common knowledge to replace carbs after intense excercise aswell as protein to repair and other nutrients and minerals etc so like yesterday after completing a high intensity speed session, 1-2 hours after I had pasta (high in carbs) with some quorn mince (high in protein) with some veg and plenty of water! My meal mainly consisted of pasta to replace glycogen and help deliver protein to the muscles faster! Nothing wrong with pasta what so ever and every pro athlete has a pasta intake in there diet because of the carbs!
    I would say you demonized them!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Uncle Ben and the Quaker Oats guy your enemy? Come on. - Dom Mazette