staying on track on weekends

bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
Anyone else have a hard time staying on track for the weekend? During the week I have a good schedule and pack lunch and snacks for work, but the weekend is a different story. Whatever I lose during the week I seem to gain back on the weekend. I think it's a combo of feeling like I need to reward myself for a long week w some wine or ice cream (which then evolves into a free for all), plus I'm out of my routine. This is the first weekend I've stayed in control and even posted a loss yesterday. I still have today to get through, and I'm determined to make it! Anyone else notice the same or have some advice? I need some motivation!


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    I used to be the exact same, I'd let myself go on weekends. Unfortunately it was completely cancelling out my weeks deficit so I don't do it anymore.

    I just decided one day building my physique is more important to me than drinking and stupid pub nights out that I didn't even enjoy that much.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I go out to a restaurant and order whatever and then come home and have a pint of ice cream. I do this every Sunday. I've still lost over 20lbs, and it helps me focus on healthy choices very easily Monday through Saturday. However, I went into this as a 'lifestyle' change, not simply weightloss. So even though I may lose a little slower, I'm focused, healthy, and I don't feel deprived.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    My biggest problem on the weekends is that I'm not as active or, if I am, it revolved around food. On weekdays I'm fairly active at work, and even if I'm not I can't step away to eat if I'm hungry -- but when I'm home, I can eat whenever on top of not moving around as much. If I am out and about, I'm usually meeting friends or family and doing some kind of eating that takes me over at least that day's CI goal.

    So I try to schedule a weekend trip to the gym and prepare healthy food. Often I will even log everything in the morning, just to have it done and not allow myself the excuse of it not being planned.

    Best of luck!
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    My best situation on weekend days when I am gonna indulge is.... Good workout in am, high protein breakfast, try to indulge for lunchtime and have a lighter dinner. My husband and I will do more lunch dates rather then dinner dates. I end up saving way more calories this way. I try to also meet up with girlfriends at lunch time too. Finding a babysitter for the day time has been easier to do too, so I end up being able to have more fun dates now, which is awesome and so needed.
    I may end up eating 1000 more calories over the weekend but as long as I've workout and ate a light dinner ( usually not a problem to do because full from lunch still) it's not that damaging.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    no issues here...i indulge on weekens for sure, but I'm also moving, moving, moving...

    weekends mean longer rides, more gym time, yard work, fixing stuff around the house, etc...I'm pretty much on my feet one way or another most of the day all weekend long.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Thanks all! I'm usually more active weekends too... I rarely get a chance to sit down! But all the activities either take me away from home so we're eating out, or if I'm home there is a steady flow of kids (and their snacks) around. This weekend I made sure to buy some smarter food options to have on hand so we didn't end up ordering out because it's the end of the week before grocery shopping. I also need to remind myself what my ultimate goals. This isn't worth it.
  • run_cmc
    run_cmc Posts: 26 Member
    I always consume more on weekends too (especially in the summer!!) I just work out more to cancel it out. And I track literally everything.