Am I eating enough?

Been through this many times and am back again for another try. Coming on two weeks in and I'm still going strong. I'd like some advice as to if I'm eating enough. My diary is open so please be my guest to look. I started again on 6/3 at 242.8 and so far this morning (6/13) I'm at 236.8. Goal is to get down under 200.

Before you look though, here are things I already know.

1. I do best on a STRICT schedule during the day and try to stick to it. Right now it's yogurt, salad, and apple religiously.
2. I know I'm bad on the weekends, my position has me at a lot of company events with tons of food that leads to eating and drinking. This first weekend was terrible, I will try for them to get better.
3. As you'll see, dinner is pretty much when I have less control, but my wife does try to keep it usually healthy.
4. Any changes should be something I can prep on Sunday and have ready for the whole week.

So far I have sporadically done some exercise at the gym (bad knees make it hard as I get started again) but have an appointment tomorrow to set up a weight lifting plan and then will start doing cardo and lifting 2-3 times a week (that's the plan at least).

I'm just very afraid that while it hasn't happened yet, I may be eating too little and a plateau may be around the corner. I'm not really hungry though so I don't know if I should eat more or not.



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    You'd probably be more sustainable at a higher calorie intake. Binging is clearly an issue, and you're a pretty big guy. Need to even things out a bit.

    When you start doing more regular exercise, you'll very likely be feeling tired and irritable at the 1,500 level. You're set up to eat 2100 and lose (right?), so think about getting closer to that target.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Your logging is all over the place.

    From 1800 to 1500 to 1400 to even 1100.

    Set up your goals and STICK to them.