Armpit Fat

Anybody else need help trimming armpit fat? I'm toned/toning everywhere else,15 pounds to goal, have even toned up my tricep chicken-bingo wings, but that armpit fat is stubborn.

I run 3-4 times a week 30-45 minutes, hit 3-4 45-55 min strength/cardio bootcamp classes a week (includes both free weight strength training and lots of traditional body weight-type calesthenics). Any specific alterations to push-ups etc., or other you would recommend? I have a pool and am wondering if there's any pool exercises I could be doing as well?


  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    yoga -- vinyasa. :-)
  • jlcl119
    jlcl119 Posts: 51
    It may not be armpit fat, it might be migrated breast tissue from wearing the wrong bra size.
    I had armpit fat when I was wearing a 32DD. Nothing got rid of it.
    I switched to a properly fitting 28FF bra and it's gone, nothing else has changed. The right fitting bra will allow your relocated breast tissue to go back where it belongs.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat, you just have to keep lowering your BF% until it comes off your sticky spots.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    armpit vagina

    i have this too
