What's the e best food to satisfy craving?



  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I was told this by my trainer and I also found it in multiple places on the interwebz

    A piece or two of high cocoa dark chocolate

    It works for me

    I also started eating 10g of it in the morning with my coffee for other health benefits

    I likes dat!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    lrenaee wrote: »
    Smaller portion of the food you're craving

    I'm sorry but people are always saying this on here and I feel like it's the most worthless advice. If I had good self control and could easily limit myself to small amounts of my "trigger" foods, I wouldn't need to be loosing weight in the first place lol eating a tiny bit of ice cream (or whatever) does nothing for me. I'd personally would rather not have it at all, and therefore avoid failing at limiting myself to a small portion.

    OP, I've found popcorn to help me with a lot of my snack food/munchies craving. My own weakness is pastries and doughnuts, I just cut them out and the cravings went away in about a month.

    Self control aka will power is like a muscle; its grows stronger the more you exercise it.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I like the yogurt thing: 6-oz cup of nonfat yogurt with unsweetened cocoa powder stirred in. Protein helps stave off hunger - and chocolate just because I need it in my life (and get too tempted with other forms of it in my house)...
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    I usually eat what I crave. If it has a lot of calories, I eat smaller portions.