Need Help

Ok here I go I am 37 years old and weigh 159 pounds and I want to cut to 155 before I lean bulk I want to loose a bit of fat around the stomach and I want to use this sight but the numbers do not look right I want to loose a pound a week I do 15minuets of cardio five times a week with five weight sessions here are the numbers some look ok but the protein level to me is wrong

please help

Nutritional goals Goals

Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,810 cal/day
Carbs / Day 226.0 g
Fat / Day 60.0 g
Protein / Day 91.0 g should be around 150g to 160

Fitness Goals Goals

Calories Burned / Week 290 cal/week
Workouts / Week 5 Workouts
Minutes / Workout 10 mins

Your diet Profile Target

Calories Burned
From Normal Daily Activity 2,310 cal/day
Net Calories Consumed*
Your Daily Goal 1,810 cal/day
Daily Calorie Deficit 500 calories
Projected Weight Loss 1 lb/week

* Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    From where did you get your targets? Hard as anything to figure this stuff out without knowing some about you.

    For instance, I'm MESOMORPH who is almost an ENDOMORPH. I need very little protein (or cals for that matter) to make a freak load of muscle. Unfortunately, I have to bust *kitten* to lose weight so no way 15 minutes of cardio would work for me to trim weight. I run 4 - 8 miles everyday just to maintain - and I never, ever drop below about 125. On the flip, I am considered small for my weight of 135 and 5'1". I am usually a size 4/5. When I was body building I ate a lot more protein than you have above and I ran 30 minutes five days a week.

    I might post this again if I were you with a title that indicates you need assistance specifically with body building. You'd like get a better response.

    Hope this helps.