Weights and Running

I am under the impression that if you work different parts of the body every other day you stand to gain the most (or least ^^) from working out and losing weight because your body is working double time to repair the strained muscles. So my question is; if I am running for 30 min every other day what are the best muscle groups, and hence the best machines, to work on the other days?? If your a professional or experienced in this matter how many reps. should I be doing on these machines??


  • cougar2007
    cougar2007 Posts: 25
    My workout is as follows

    Monday - Legs (leg press, hack squat, squat, calf raises, leg extensions, leg curls)
    Tuesday - Cardio (Elliptical 10mins, Bike 30mins)
    Wednesday - Abs (Crunches, crunch machine, plate twists, slide bridge, plank, weighted sit ups, Knee/Hip raise on parallel bars, decline oblique crunch,
    Thursday - Back (Cardio 10mins prior) - I use the cables mostly
    Friday - arms - I prefer free weights
    Saturday - rest
    Sunday - Cardio
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    I workout 5 days a week. Run 3 times for anything between 30 and 60 mins usually and do a full body weights workout 2-3 x per week.

    My routine is:

    Mon - run
    Tues - weights (barbells & machines in gym or hand weights/body weight exercises at home)
    Weds run
    Thurs - rest
    Fri - rest
    Sat - run (and free weights also on occasion)
    Sun - weights (always a 1 hour body pump class using barbells)

    I usually do 2 sets of 8-15 reps depending on the exercise I'm doing. I base the decision on how much I feel my muscles working and before I feel the burn if that makes sense?
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    Mine is

    SUN core class 30min
    Mon Lift 1hr bi's and tris in morning then at night stairclimber 30min 70steps per min
    Tue chest back 1hr morn night core class 30min
    Wed 1hr lift legs again same stairclimber as above 30min
    THUR lift Shoulders 1hr off at night
    Fri start over with mon lift 1hr bis tris and stairclimber at night.

    off all day sat.
  • Litababy5
    Litababy5 Posts: 68 Member
  • Thanks yah'll thats all really helpful!! ^.^!