Marine Veterans getting back into shape!

silyj Posts: 5 Member
My wife and I have been out it for a while. 5yrs and I have gained 30lbs. Needs to stop right now! My wife was doing Weight Watchers and did well till surgery last July. Now we are picking it back up with Runtastic and MFP. We like doing Just Dance, Zumba, yoga, bike riding and long walk in the parks.....awww...lo!


  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I'm an Army vet trying to get back into shape. I've been out 25 years and have maintained a fairly healthy lifestyle. I looked in the mirror about 6 months ago a realized I was pretty far from my ideal. I've lost about 30 pounds with a ton of veggies, protein & cardio. I just started added strength training with basic military style calisthenics... hello pushups!

  • shyliece25
    shyliece25 Posts: 49 Member
    You both can do it stay focused