Anyone else making a change in their twenties?



  • JGair
    JGair Posts: 1 Member
    Defiantly agree with that! Since i turned 21 the weight has slowly been creeping up on me im now 25 and defiantly need to stick to a healthy diet & loose some weight ! Good luck to you guys too
  • briannajohnston111
    briannajohnston111 Posts: 5 Member
    22 and have alot of weight to lose!
  • smukkeff
    smukkeff Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Blake! I'm in about the same boat (except it seems that you've caught it earlier, before the damage was done, haha!). I was really in good shape all through high school and didn't give a second thought to what i ate, but holy cow, that storm hit hard when i was about 20. and now i need to lose about 30#. turning it around and really amping up the workouts as well. :smile: it's really motivating to see other people doing the same!
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    Yeah, I'm 20 and I've been chubby for years now. I'd like to have that college girl body before I'm done with college, ideally.