Needing to lose 70 pounds by end of year

Hey there I'm needing all the motivation and support I can get right now I'm needing to lose 70 pounds by the end of the year and it's also to get my health under control, I recently found out that if I lose this weight I can turn my health around and with that I plan on execerising more and watching what and how much I eat. Thank god my husband knows what's going on cause his mom is not helping us at all. I also do not want any negetive responses I seriously need to change my health before it gets any more serious. Please feel free to add me as a friend and I'll do the same in return.


  • kerrywalling1
    kerrywalling1 Posts: 2 Member
    It's good that you realize it's best to do this for health. That's why I started on my journey. I have lost enough to be of my diabetes meds and am working towards the HBP meds. You can do this. I do best at one step at a time. I set 5 pound goals and reward myself when I reach them. Good luck.