Staying on Track when CRAZY busy

MY schedule is nuts right now. We are shorthanded at work, just myself and one other employee, so we are working 50+ hour weeks, and don't even get a lunch break. I have been working out a few weeks ago, have seen some progress but I know my downfall is my eating.

I leave for work at 7, get to the gym around 5:30, am there 30-60 minutes, and then get home around 7. Then I have chores to do (live on a ranch) and am so wiped out cooking dinner is the last thing iwant to do!

how do other busy people stay on track? I plan on getting a lot of chicken breasts, cooking them in the crock pot, shredding them, and then freezing in sandwich baggies for quick options to take for lunch or dinner at home.

what are some good snacks to have in the fridge at work? good, quick easy lunch ideas?

I have been doing about 20 minutes of cardio walking/speed/incline intervals, and then weights. i just started following jamie eason's LiveFit strength training program. i need to get my eating habits under control, make sure i drink more water and eat CLEAN, and then i am sure i will see more results with my hard physical work!


  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    I like your idea about the chicken. If that is what feels comfortable to you then do it with the chicken and any other snack such as carrots.... veggies... fruit.. and your other favorites. I think thats also great for portioning foods. It also sounds like your making your working out a habit which is really good. I know you'll start to see progress soon!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I run a new business and earlier this year was busting out 60-70 hour weeks - I try to eat clean too and tried to prepare veg in bulk (roast large trays and keep in airtight boxes) also the slow-cooker/crockpot is your new best friend!
  • Thanks- a friend of mine gave me the idea. I am thinking I am going to have to force myself to prep snacks to have atwork, almond butter and apples, cherry tomatoes, quick and easy things to grab, maybe some hardboiled eggs.

    I have been working out 3-4 times a week for 4 weeks now, and the scale has only gone down 1-2 pounds, which tells me my eating isn't where it should be! I need to make it easier on myself to eat healthy during the week...