Body weight scales accuracy

I have two body weight scales and they are both off from each other. A year ago I bought a scale from ALDI. Great scale. This is the scale I bought. A few months ago I found the next scale at Bargain Hunt for a great price. Loved it because it was a bluetooth scale and I will be able to keep track on my phone a little easier than my first scale. I used the first one almost from the beginning of my weightloss. I noticed that if I put it in different places in the house I would get a different reading. So I picked one spot and I have stuck with weighting myself in that spot only each time. So I kept that spot for my new scale. I noticed, however true, that I have gained weight back this year. Which I have. No sugar coating. I gained all my weight back. But I gained it super fast when I started using this scale. I didn't feel like what was showing. So I weighed myself with my old scale. They are almost 3 lbs off from each other. I like the reading of old scaled better than my new scale. But how do I know what is right and what isn't? I can't judge it from the doctor because 1. I have clothes on there and 2. it is during the day when I go after I have had a drink and/or food. Which one should I go for? I mean I want the truth from my scale. I thought I was getting it but now I have no clue if I am.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    pick one and use it consistently in the same spot same time with the same amount of clothing every time...

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    If you are serious about checking you scales, next time you go to the doctor, step on both scales just before leaving the house, wearing what you will be wearing on the Dr's scale. When you get on the Dr's scale, you can see if one, or both, are off.

    In the long run, it doesn't matter as long as you weigh yourself on the same scale, the same time of day, wearing the same thing (usually nothing) with the scale in the same spot.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I guess it boils down to the perfectionist in me coming out in things that don't really matter much. I will for sure do what you said earlnabby. I never really thought about doing that before. I have a doctor appt I need to schedule in the next 2 weeks so I will have to remember to try that! Thank you to both of you! That has eased my mind a little bit.