Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • lindz4ever
    lindz4ever Posts: 593 Member
    im always looking for more support, more friends, more people to talk to and make me laugh
  • brendanbryce2
    brendanbryce2 Posts: 2 Member
    Morning all!! I have lost over 100lbs with the help of this app but over the past 6 months I have fell off the wagon and gained half of it back. Really bothers me knowing how hard I worked to lose it just to pack it right back on again. BUT I'M BACK SO WHO IS WITH ME???
  • Honiebabe
    Honiebabe Posts: 8 Member
    Add me too :)
  • mekaseay
    mekaseay Posts: 3 Member
    Add me please. The more friends the better! Fight on!!!
  • janejamie0009
    janejamie0009 Posts: 15 Member
    I need friends to stay motivated
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I love new friends :smiley:
  • 1TinkerBell73
    1TinkerBell73 Posts: 45 Member
    Looking for supportive friends. I only have about 6 pounds left to lose and my motivation isn't as good. Don't want to get complacent. :)
    My profile is open and I interact daily.
  • swaino204
    swaino204 Posts: 20 Member
    Mee too. Add me! ☺
  • Tans40
    Tans40 Posts: 11 Member
    I really need motivation on my fitness journey to help me stay on track. Thanks everyone.
  • NewSoberMe
    NewSoberMe Posts: 5 Member
    If anyone could use friends, its this girl over here! I have 100 pounds to lose! Ha! I am so overwhelmed its not even funny.
  • martinasloyan379
    martinasloyan379 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me ☺
  • Kippie44
    Kippie44 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all!!!!!!
  • jsunts
    jsunts Posts: 1 Member
    New today. Wearing out the snacks icon already!
  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    I am always looking for more friends! Add away my new best friends!
  • v1kings1970
    v1kings1970 Posts: 5 Member
    I could really use some more friends. Mine have all disappeared. Starting to rebuild friend list again. Anyone please add me.
  • metalglo
    metalglo Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hey you guys!!! I have restarted again and made a new account and I am serious this time about tracking all my food!! Please feel free to add this 20 year old so we can motivate each other! :)

    Little info about me:
    - pilates lover
    - metal music lover
    - pescatarian
    - from the netherlands (so a lot of the foods will be in dutch haha)
  • GeorgiaM2015
    GeorgiaM2015 Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Add me!!!, This time around I feel like I have so much more support and motivation because of the new friends I have!!! Let's Support each other, We got this!!
  • abigailridler
    abigailridler Posts: 27 Member
    I'd like some friends please
  • maustin37
    maustin37 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Fitness Pals, I could use some friends to keep me motivated but more important to have support.
    Please feel free to add me.