Need friends!!!

Need some friends to help keep on track and motivate!! Also to trade health secrets and answer questions for a new dieter. Thanks!! Good luck to everyone!!


  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    Hi! I've been around for a few years but really committed for the past 10 months. I log everyday and I log everything! I also message friends who don't show up in a while. Feel free to add me :)
  • charleykayesmom
    charleykayesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Hey! I would love to be buddies! :) Feel free to add me!
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    edited June 2015
    I've been an active MFP user for a little over 2 months and have lost 45 pounds! I'm only 15 pounds away from my FIRST goal but ultimately would like to lose a total of 40 more pounds (to get into the 190's).

    The key for me, as far as food is considered, has been planning; cooking a large quantity of low-calorie-dense food on the weekend that'll get me through an entire week. Other musts are (a) a food scale and (b) faithful logging of everything you eat!

    At my maximum weight, exercising was NOT enjoyable whatsoever. In fact, I didn't do much exercising at first. But, as the pounds dropped, frequency has increased, it's become much easier and, dare I say it, almost enjoyable... ALMOST ;-)

    I'm NOT a dieting expert by any means, I just know what's worked for "me". If you're looking for a MFP friend for status "likes" or "advise" (only when requested), feel free to add me.
  • Harlequin1983
    Harlequin1983 Posts: 30 Member
    Ive lost 62 lbs, and have 28 more to hit my goal weight! Lets do it together!
  • starrla0322
    starrla0322 Posts: 2 Member
    Im new to diets, and im not looking forward to the restrictions but can't wait for the outcome! So thats my motivation, but would love someone to chat with.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I havee been doing this for about 3 1/2 months and have lost 33 lbs and have 27 more to get to my ultimate goal. Friend me if you like. My diary is open to friends.
  • Infamous624
    Infamous624 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm back on MFP for like the third time now. I get over whelmed wth work and school and trying to lose weight. This time I have been putting my health and fitness on the same level of importance as work and school and it has actually been beneficial to both of them! I could definately use to motivation to stick with this logging what I eat and excercise more then 2x a week. I went for long walks 3x last week and I started the C25k today! Hoping to keep this up!
  • bzymommy5boyz
    bzymommy5boyz Posts: 81 Member
    Would love to make some more friends as well. Motivation in teams is a good thing.
  • sarahjjackson7
    sarahjjackson7 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to make some new friends too. Plus, I need people to motivate me too.