Why is the scale not moving?

I have been eating very healthy and doing T25 (I am on week 2) and the scale hasn't moved an ounce! In the past I starve and never workout and I seem to loose 2-5 pounds per week! What gives???


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Are you in a deficit?
  • sheinz7132
    sheinz7132 Posts: 12 Member
    What do you mean?
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited June 2015
    Are you maintaining a calorie deficit? Do you track everything you eat, weigh your food to ensure you're tracking is accurate, do you eat back exercise calories?

    After doing all that, do you burn more calories than you eat (I.e. Maintain a deficit)?

    It is easier to create a deficit by eating less than by exercising.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    Are you eating less calories than your body is burning each day?
  • sheinz7132
    sheinz7132 Posts: 12 Member
    I eat between 1000-1100. Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fish, chicken. I have always lost weight but gained it back so I thought I would try doing it the right way. I am working out like crazy (5 days a week) and eating well.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    What amount of calories do you consider "starving" yourself? 1000-1100 calories would be considered starving to most people, unless supervised by a medical professional. Did you fill out a Myfitnesspal profile? How many calories did they suggest?
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Yeah, that's not doing it the right way. You need to eat more and track accurately. I suggest you follow the instructions in this post:

  • sheinz7132
    sheinz7132 Posts: 12 Member
    They suggested 1200. What I mean by starving is about 800 calories, never over 900.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah...Start over. Eat at least 1200, weigh all your food, track accurately.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited June 2015
    t25 doesn't burn that many calories in my opinion, yes there is cardio so that helps burn a few, if you're new to this type of exercise you may be experiencing water retention and whatever else happens when you start working new muscles. i personally think you're eating too little. i just finished the whole t25 circuit and didn't lose any weight, but there are other benefits, curvier waist, definition on my arms, etc. not all gains are losses.
  • mls100771
    mls100771 Posts: 125 Member
    Don't trust the scale. Trust your BMI
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i think you eat more than 1000-1100

    do you weigh your food and a food scale?
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hard to tell since your diary isn't open... However, you're likely calculating too many calories for your exercise and/or too few calories for your food.
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    When you don't eat enough, typically less than 1200 calories, but higher if you're a larger person or male, your body believes it's starving ans holds onto calories in panic mode. We are animals and very efficient when there seems to be a shortage of food.
    When we increase exercise and don't fuel our body for the workload...again starvation mind set and we won't lose, and if we do, it will be very slowly.
    For an exercise like T25 you need protein and cards to fuel and recover from workout. More calories in your diet will allow your body to see...okay they're going to make me work more, but I'm not really missing anything...okay I'll give up some fat stores so we can be more effective in these workouts.
    Good luck
  • sheinz7132
    sheinz7132 Posts: 12 Member
    I do weight all my food and I have a young son with type 1 diabetes and that comes with a lot of EDUCATION (mostly on carbs and the glycemic index) so I have some knowledge. I feel like I eat plenty, three meals a day and three snacks. I almost feel as if I need to hold off on the T25 until I get closer to my ideal weight. IDK
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    When you don't eat enough, typically less than 1200 calories, but higher if you're a larger person or male, your body believes it's starving ans holds onto calories in panic mode. We are animals and very efficient when there seems to be a shortage of food.
    When we increase exercise and don't fuel our body for the workload...again starvation mind set and we won't lose, and if we do, it will be very slowly.
    For an exercise like T25 you need protein and cards to fuel and recover from workout. More calories in your diet will allow your body to see...okay they're going to make me work more, but I'm not really missing anything...okay I'll give up some fat stores so we can be more effective in these workouts.
    Good luck

    Starvation mode doesn't work like that.

    OP, you're definitely eating more than 1100 calories if you aren't losing weight. Start logging accurately with a food scale and aim for the goal MFP gives you.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    What are your stats? Can you open your diary?
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    I don't think I should log on here anymore, everyone thinks they're doctors and nurses. Guess I wasted my time with my degree lol. I could have been educated through Web MD or my fitness pal...who knew.
  • sheinz7132
    sheinz7132 Posts: 12 Member
    So I see a lot of people are telling me I am not logging my calories correctly so, this is what I typically eat.
    Breakfast- turkey sausage and 3 Tbl. Of egg beaters plus 1 egg white.
    Snack- yo plait greek 100
    Lunch- whole wheat sandwich thin with mayo w/olive oil and oven roasted turkey (4 slices) and 1/2 cup of grapes
    Snack- celery with laughing cow cheese wedges (2)
    Dinner- grilled talapia (4oz weighed raw) asparagus, fresh fruit 1/4-1/2 cup
    Snack- usually something with 0 carbs like cheese.
    And I drink about 8-10 cups of water infused with lime lemon and cucumber.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    sheinz7132 wrote: »
    So I see a lot of people are telling me I am not logging my calories correctly so, this is what I typically eat.
    Breakfast- turkey sausage and 3 Tbl. Of egg beaters plus 1 egg white.
    Snack- yo plait greek 100
    Lunch- whole wheat sandwich thin with mayo w/olive oil and oven roasted turkey (4 slices) and 1/2 cup of grapes
    Snack- celery with laughing cow cheese wedges (2)
    Dinner- grilled talapia (4oz weighed raw) asparagus, fresh fruit 1/4-1/2 cup
    Snack- usually something with 0 carbs like cheese.
    And I drink about 8-10 cups of water infused with lime lemon and cucumber.

    Are you weighing turkey sausage, mayo, olive oil, roasted turkey, grapes, asparagus, fresh fruit, cheese? Everything needs to be weighed...at least if you're not losing.