Figuring it out!

Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Starting out slow, but steady. At my heaviest and need to loose 150lbs. Honesty- I feel gross and ugly and I have 3 beautiful daughters and a handsome young man that can't have their mom thinking this way or not be able to play with them. Encouraging encouragement!


  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Weight loss is simply calories in versus calories out. Make certain you fill out your profile on MFP honestly, meaning if you're not active, don't push the active button. If you're faithful about logging in each day, you'll find your nemesis in food, and you'll become very aware of which foods are going to be high in calories and which ones aren't. In this way you'll start making better choices.

    Weight loss doesn't mean you have to give up the foods you like, but it does mean you'll eat a lot less of those foods. Two pieces of bread turn into one, a slice of cake is now a sliver. You'll turn to fresh fruit to get your sugar craving, and at the time when you find you're spending more time in the fruit and vegi department, versus the bakery, cookies and candy isle, you'll know you're well on your way.

    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight, but it does help to speed weight loss along. If you start an exercise program, start out slow, and never eat back more than 1/2 of calories burned. MFP and electronic devices have a history of overestimating calories burned, so you could actually be overeating your work outs, and end up gaining weight.

    At 150 pounds you can expect to lose two pounds a week for a while, but that will slow down with the more weight you lose. That's very normal, so don't get discouraged. This is going to take awhile, and it's a life style change, meaning for the rest of your life, and there are no short term fixes.

    Good luck to you on this journey leading to a healthier, happier you.

  • missymcauley
    missymcauley Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! Hugely helpful and good to have shared with someone!