Plant Based lifestyle (vegan)



  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I eat a mostly fruit and vegetable diet myself, but I'm not a vegetarian. I'm OK with Vegans as long as they admit it is not a natural human diet. I do have an axe to grind about vegans who think they are better than others because of their diet. It's just not true. Humans are natural omnivores.

    I can go days without eating any meat, eggs, or milk, but I like them all and don't restrict myself.

    I eat everything myself, but I do think vegans have a few major sources for karma points: they contribute less to global warming (apparently farting cows emit a huge chunk of the greenhouse gases), and they don't directly cause animals to suffer (although loss of habitat is not taken into account).
    Perhaps some people can be a bit unpleasant when they feel superior, but credit where credit is due...

    Lol you say global warming like its a real thing. You know the cows do not cease to exist because we do not eat them. If humans took themselves out of the food chain tomorrow it would be catastrophic to the natural balance, predators have a purpose. Do you think mice have greater karma than cats? If so let me introduce you to a piece of history known as the plague. I agree we should all do what we can for the environment and our furry friends but we are people, our greatest strength is our ability to think. We can solve all the problems without hurting other people or destroying the natural order if we slow down and look at both the big and small pictures and find solutions as a group thinking is our greatest strength I am unsure what line you waited in while strengths were being handed out. This is just all kinds of all over the place.
  • veganminecraft
    veganminecraft Posts: 21 Member
    Vegan of 5 years. It's not just a diet. That would be eating "plant based" Veganism encompasses a philosophy that seeks to reduce animal exploitation for the betterment of the animals, people and the environment. I gained weight as a vegan but i was also overeating on calories.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I eat a mostly fruit and vegetable diet myself, but I'm not a vegetarian. I'm OK with Vegans as long as they admit it is not a natural human diet. I do have an axe to grind about vegans who think they are better than others because of their diet. It's just not true. Humans are natural omnivores.

    I can go days without eating any meat, eggs, or milk, but I like them all and don't restrict myself.

    I'm not a vegan but definitely respect the sentiment behind ethical veganism and do feel that adherents walk a higher moral ground than I do

    If I actually thought this, I'd become a vegan. I'd think it was a moral imperative, in fact. It's not like it's more expensive to be vegan; quite the opposite.

    I don't think that. I think it matters that we treat animals ethically when raising them, but see nothing morally wrong with eating them or their products (like dairy or eggs or honey or produce, which often uses bees in production). But I would hope someone who does would act accordingly.
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    I am slowly changing my lifestyle to a plant based one (for many reasons). I was going to eat a Paleo lifestyle, but I noticed I feel better when I don't eat a lot of meat. I also noticed that when I don't consume dairy, I am not as bloated.
    I was just wondering how many of you are on the same boat? I have been on Youtube all day looking at "what I ate today" videos, but haven't found many about how it was in the beginning.

    I only eat chicken and fish very rarely (maybe twice a month). I never eat any type of red meat. I do eat eggs once in awhile and only have milk in tea and cereal.

    I have thought about becoming fully vegan but I am lazy. No way to sugarcoat it. I don't like cooking or prepping meals and I think you need to do that to be a successful vegan.

    I eat a lot of carbs. Pasta, breads, things like that. It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all.

    I will probably need to reevaluate my eating habits though as I am planning to recomp soon.

  • workhardtogethard
    workhardtogethard Posts: 49 Member
    I have thought about becoming fully vegan but I am lazy. No way to sugarcoat it. I don't like cooking or prepping meals and I think you need to do that to be a successful vegan.

    Rethink that. Asparagus soup with a side of salted tofu, tofu with BBQ sauce and a side of baked beans, rice with mushrooms & vegetable broth, bean soup--these are some of the ready-made/easy-to-prepare foods I like to eat. My family is full of fussy eaters, so I'm usually too busy preparing their meals to want to take any more time to prepare mine.
  • VeggieStef
    VeggieStef Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me and you can see my diary to see what I eat. I am a vegan and very active. There are some boards - Team Vegan and Happy Herbivores and they have some great topics. Most vegans are nice people and you wouldn't know they were vegan unless the topic came up, so if you run into the rare jerkface here on MFP just move along because most are supportive and kind. Changing to a vegan diet has enriched my life in many ways and I feel more energetic and much healthier now than when I was much younger.
  • TekellaMBird
    TekellaMBird Posts: 5 Member
    I prefer the term "NOMnivore" over "flexitarian" :)

    Really, IIFYM and makes your tummy happy, go for it.
  • amberets96
    amberets96 Posts: 9 Member
    I've recently tried to transition to a more plant based diet. I don't have a problem with raising animals for food, but recently I've learned a lot about the environmental implications that doing it on a large scale has. I also read the China Study and learned that a plant based diet could be the best way to prevent many of the diseases that kill Americans.
    On a personal level I've noticed that I'm MUCH less bloated without meat or dairy and have more energy. I cannot attest to weight loss because I haven't lost a lot yet. But, I'm working towards that.