2 weeks in many more to go!

Hi All,

I'm reasonably new to MFP, I've been here for about a week. I am currently trying to loose 2 stone/ 28 lbs. I have made my diary open for the public as I'd like some input from people here as to if what I'm eating is ok or if I need to throw in more vegetables etc. I am currently on week 2 of the C25K program and started the 30 Day Shred today. I have to be honest so far so good I've not really ached much at all! I'd love some advice on loosing weight from you guys and gals out there.

I am 23 years old and live in Wales, UK so the weather is constantly against me pretty much all the time. I am a full time carer and love being a carer, I don't have much time on my hands but I really do need to loose the weight, as I am classed as overweight which is something I HATE! I also have some really awesome dresses that I haven't been able to wear as I've put on weight, I refuse to throw them out as they still have their tags on them and I want to wear them damn it!

Anyway I'll stop rambling now and let you get on with your day!

All the best,
