activity level conundrum

Hi folks,

I'm lost as to what i should set it to as i have a very odd set of circumstances which make it hard (at least for me) to work out at what level i should be.

I work every other day, and my job is relatively hard work. It starts off with about 30mins light activity, then an hour of demanding activity, then back to a few hours of light to medium activity. This working day is accompanied by me cycling to and from work approximately 3miles each way taking 15 mins a time. It is also accompanied by me hitting the gym after work for a couple of hours.

This is all well and good but the days i don't work, in between my working days, are very much sedentary. Apart from housework, prepping and cooking, and other assorted necessary mundane tasks, i spend the day parked on my backside.

So, should i set it as sedentary due to my days off, medium due to my working days, light as a middle ground. If i set it as anything other than sedentary, should i log anything under cardio or is it already logged due to me picking light/medium as my activity level.

Anyway, some guidance would be much appreciated as I'm finally getting back on the weights after losing a lot of blubber. I really don't want to minimise my gains by setting it too low or end up stacking weight back on setting it too high.



  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    it doesn't have to be set in stone. Start it off at lightly active and keep an eye on the gains and the weight and tailor it as needed as you move forward. If you're hitting the weights again, then better (imho) to have a little extra padding to start with
  • d3adeyeduck
    d3adeyeduck Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I've been jumping between sedentary and light not knowing which was the best choice.
  • glortard
    glortard Posts: 67 Member
    Sedentary is someone who drives to work, sits on their backside, drives home presses a microwave button and then moves to the living room bending down once to collect the remote control. This is not you.
  • d3adeyeduck
    d3adeyeduck Posts: 4 Member
    I suppose it's probably just the stark contrast between my days that makes me second guess it. Thanks for the help.