depressed, fat, and broke



  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Shop on Amazon for a good sports bra. You can usually find one cheap with free shipping. You just have to take the time to look thoroughly. I did a google search for the best sports bras, then looked on Amazon. I eat what I want. I just stay within my calories. A good way to get started is to set a mini goal and then add on to it. It takes 30 days for a habit to stick. For instance, just walk for 15 mins a day. If you feel like doing more, then okay. But walk at least for 15 mins a day. You won't need a sports bra to walk. Also, stay away from restaurants of any kind. You're wasting money that is already tight. You can usually find something comparable at the grocery store cheaper. Make reminders and look at them often. Also ask yourself if you are really hungry or are just bored. Best way to find out is to drink a bottle of water and find something to do. If you're still hungry, then have something to eat.
  • amyj514
    amyj514 Posts: 53 Member
    Whenever I get the urge to eat because I'm bored (more like procrastinating...I don't have time to be bored) or stressed, etc, I have to stop myself in my tracks and think to myself what am I doing? Why am I wrecking my body? I deserve better and I have self control. I have to snap out of it and just go DO something, anything, just to keep myself occupied. Go for a walk or a run. Clean the house. Heck, even just tying myself up in the bathroom painting my nails and taking a shower helps.

    I am completely flat chested, even more after having kids, so I am no help with the bra problem, but I'm sure you could get creative and find ways to bind those puppies and keep them in place?

    As far as the veggies go, remind yourself that every time your veggies go bad and you have to toss them you are wasting money that you can't afford to waste! When you're hungry and you go in your kitchen, look for what's going bad and eat it! No questions asked. Don't think twice. Don't think about how that mcchicken would taste better. If you're really hungry, you'll eat the veggies. Keeping that in mind helps me to not waste money on produce and gets it into my body instead of junk!

    I think ultimately you just need to get your head in the right place. You can do it!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    edited June 2015
    ...and its a vicious cycle. I want to start exercising, but with E sized tits u need a good sports bra, which I can't find anywhere decently priced. Then I go out and buy fresh foods, which aren't "fulfillling" and don't stay fresh long because my body is used to junk and I can't seem to eat my veggies before they go bad. And, oh, if I have a bad day at work! Then let's buy 10 mcchickens to eat throughout the night. Also, being broke makes me feel down, and being down makes me want to eat, and eating too much is how I got fat, and being fat makes me want to lose weight, so I want to exercise but can't buy the proper gear, and being broke makes me feel down... The cycle continues. How do you break the cycle? I'm sick of being miserable but I can't seem to stop abusing myself with food and laziness

    First on the large bust and sports bras. It is hard to find one in the store that supports a larger bust. I ordered mine from Amazon. I measured myself and then compared it to their sizing charts. I found one by Glamorize that works well for me. They were moderately priced and gives me the support that I was looking for. I liked them so well that I wear them for my everyday bra.

    On the produce...I was having the same problem with produce. I try to shop once a week and some of my veggies just weren't holding up through the week. I now make sure that I buy some hardier vegetables that will last longer. Such as...cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, onions, bell peppers, potatoes(any variety...white, red, yams). I schedule those for later in the week and use other less hardier first.

    The other thing that I have done is to set aside a cooking day and just cook ahead. Once cooked most vegetables will store in the refrigerator for most of the week.

    Being broke...well I live on a fixed income so I have learned just to make it last. Ya gotta work with what you have. Toward the end of the month money starts getting tight. When I shop I look for specials on foods...things that will go along way such as...rice, pasta, potatoes, carrots, cabbage etc etc.

    Proper gear...not sure if you are talking equipment, clothing or both. This month I went to a used sporting goods store. For about $175 I bought a weight bench, weights, a set of adjustable dumbbells and some other odd and end things. I don't care that they are used since I saved more than what I paid for the equipment. The adjustable dumbbelss alone new would have been close to $200.

    If you are speaking of workout clothing...workout in anything...try looking in thrift stores. I bought a few things at Target when they put them on the sale racks.

    About being miserable...that is harder to address since I don't know what your underlying problem is. In most cases when a person is miserable there is a cause often not related to weight. The weight is a result of being miserable. You have to figure that out...why do you REALLY feel miserable.

    I will say...most often we choose to remain miserable. For the short is easier to do so. Takes a lot of work, time and effort to choose to change why we are miserable. Trust are not miserable because you can't find a cheap sports bra or that your veggies won't last for an entire week.

    Good luck...sorry...I didn't mean to write a book...I will stop now!

  • CrystalEverAfter
    CrystalEverAfter Posts: 29 Member
    Wear two sports bras on top of each other for extra support. It is harder to breathe but you get used to it and no one wants saggy 80 year old breasts before their time. Reaching out for help is a good thing. Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once. Change one habit at a time (one per week or month). We're rooting for ya!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You don't need a sports bra. I don't care for them personally so I just wear a well fitting supportive regular bra. Works just fine for running, calisthenics, etc.
    If money is so tight, why are wasting it on veggies? Buy frozen bulk. And stop allowing yourself to get fast food. Plan and prepare meals weekly and you'll save a ton of money. Also, don't think you have to live on veg just to lose weight...that's old school thinking. Eat yummy nutritious meals and you'll do much better in the long run.
    Best of luck!
  • quintinmasonjr24
    quintinmasonjr24 Posts: 45 Member
    I think you should focus on breaking the cycle of misery. I know it's easier said than done but do little things to change your life and get your confidence. Make healthier choices through out the day. For example you could do a little more walking then usual by parking further away from your destination. You could eat healthier and avoid those foods to disrupt that vicious cycle. You can door more outdoor activities. I don't think you need a sports bra to walk in the park. You could appreciate the small accomplishments which escalates into bigger accomplishments. Maybe you need a good friend to talk to just to vent sometimes. It's the little things we can do that will help improve our lives. I know you feel the only one but we all struggle with a vicious cycle and it doesn't have to be health related. If you want a friend to talk to every now and then add me. I enjoy learning from other people because it's easier hearing advice from people on the outside looking in. Just don't continue to beat yourself up over this. Break the cycle and start fresh.
  • Pandapotato
    Pandapotato Posts: 68 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    You are putting yourself in a position where you are overwhelmed by the supposed enormity of the project.
    Break it down into its component parts, understand them and how they relate to you and your overall objective.
    Keep your targets small, so you cna easily meet them and build momentum. It starts with you commiting.

    100% AGREED. It sounds like you're trying to change ALL aspects of your behaviors/diet all at once, which is leading to being overwhelmed and throwing in the towel.

    START SMALL. The first week, swap one unhealthy snack for a healthier or lower-calorie one. It doesn't mean trading a cookie for a celery stick. It could be trading chips for a 100 calorie bag of popcorn (actually pretty cheap and filling!) Trade one high-calorie drink for something else. Go on a 10-15 minute walk and be proud you did a small amount of exercise you hadn't done before.

    You CAN lose weight and include SOME junk food if that's what helps you stay on track. Set up your mostly-healthy meals and decide you can get a 4 piece nugget on your way home from work.

    You can find lots of low cal stuff that is NOT a fruit/vegetable. Popcorn, lower cal breads, canned soups, frozen dinners (I love the café steamer ones!), etc.

    Also I have a breakfast sandwich every morning--I fry a few eggs at the beginning of the week and put them in little sandwich baggies. They reheat nicely. Put it on a toasted English muffin + a few slices of lunch meat ham, and it's practically as good as the Egg McMuffin but it's all of $8 for week + supply and it's lower cal.
  • bluedreaming23
    bluedreaming23 Posts: 8 Member
    The first two weeks are the hardest stay strong for two weeks and after that it'll get easier. Your stomach will get smaller and you'll eat less. What I do is eat lots of cucumber with lime and chili powder. They're cheap and if you eat two you'll feel full. They are low in calories and yummy! Try it! Oh yeah and a cheap meal! Add me for support! I need it too
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    When you want it bad enough you will find a way to solve all the problems that you feel are holding you back.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Quit feeling sorry for yourself and do what you know you need to do. Start small. You probably walk every single day without a sports bra, so start by walking more. Only buy food if you know you're going to eat it.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    mistikal13 wrote: »
    When you want it bad enough you will find a way to solve all the problems that you feel are holding you back.

    Yes, this is quite to the point but very true. Don't make excuses. Don't overcomplicate it. Start by making small changes - now.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited June 2015
    Options This goes all the way up to a 48DD (or 48E in European sizes). Only $16 right now on sale. But, you can walk without a sport bra. I'm bigger than you with a DDD and I still don't wear a sports bra. I just keep to low impact.

    You want to break the cycle, you have to start somewhere.

    To quote my favorite MFP quote: Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard!

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I agree with those who have advised you to break it down. I would also add that you should prioritize those things that will make you feel better. For that reason I would suggest a short daily walk. You don't need anything special for that and you can do it anywhere, and the air and the movement should help boost your emotions a bit.

    Then further on, maybe instead of McDonald's you could try a sandwich place, or some other fast food that has fresher ingredients and a bit of veggies in it. You don't have to turn into Suzie Salad to be successful at this.