Carbs, Carbs and more Carbs



  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    I eat about ~500g of carbs as of late and am still losing weight. I've tried no carb , high carb , medium carb diets and at the end of the day, you'll lose weight in any case as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    In my opinion, adjusting carbs worked best for me - if i still feel tired during my workouts, i'll keep upping carbs until my performance is optimal. If my performance is optimal, i'll scale back carbs until i feel fatigue... eventually I have found my equilibrium at about ~500g of carbs.

    More carbs = better performance = better workout = more intensity = higher heart rate = more calories burned :smile:
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    You're right, at the end of the day I shouldn't be cutting out something that I love, I want to be able to enjoy food and lose weight at the same time. I think I will start to limit my carb intake to about 70grams for three/four days a week and then just have my normal carb intake that I usually have (around 120/130grams a day) for the other four/three days and see how that goes.

    This is a concept referred to as carb cycling and it's a very effective method for weight loss. You can google it to find a method that suits you best. Be forwarned, working out on low carb days can be very difficult due to the lack of glycogen (carbs stored in the muscles as energy).

    Here is a quick general article to give you an idea of how it works.

    I've always wondered what carb cycling was. THAT I could probably do.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    i have mine set to C35%/F45%/P20%. It works well for me. There are days i have many more carbs than fat, and that works, too. :3
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    I eat well over 200 carbs per day and I am losing weight with no problem.
  • I custom set my macros to 40f/30p/30c. Works for me :)

    i do similarly. from my research, for optimal fat loss/muscle gain the ratio should be 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat. making sure you stay away from refined carbs and limiting starchy carbs being the key! but, my research only applies to someone who is doing a serious lifting routine - i would imagine the theory is the same for others.

    this is what works for me. good luck with whatever you choose to do!
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I custom set my macros to 40f/30p/30c. Works for me :)

    This is exactly what I have my macros set @ & have been losing weight.
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    You don't look like you are overweight but people that are clinically over weight, especially if they are obese, have problems processing carbs. That is not an opinion, that is a medical reality. Doctors are pretty much calling all over weight people "pre-dabetic" in America today. Ask your doctor about it if you have questions regarding what that means and if it relates to your weight.(ie trouble digesting carbs, hypoglycemic).

    Can you lose weight eating a ton of carbs? Yeah you can but you can also develop diabetics doing so. Tom Noughton explains it well on his Fat Head documentary:

    The bottom line is over eating fast digesting carbs without balancing it with protein and fat can damage your body's ability to utilize insulin making you insulin resistant and causing fat storage to happen at a much faster rate along with many other consequences that go along with weight gain. (high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, fatty liver, you name it).

    Eating carbs is fine if you do them in moderation (250+ carbs a day is NOT moderation, less than 100 IS) and you eat them in a balanced ratio of protein and fat to slow their absorption rate. You will need to find your perfect ratio, there are many suggestion online. I do a 3:2:1.5 of protein to carbs to fat, but I work out for 90 minutes 5-6 days a week, and at least 2 of those days are cardio days where I am burning high levels of glycogen. (using up the sugar in my liver as fuel). In other words the carbs in my body are burned as fuel for exercise.

    Are you hungry all the time, even right after eating a large meal? Do you have cravings for carbs? Then you are showing signs of insulin resistance. Reduce your carbs, increase your fat and protein, and exercise. Eat the calories MPF says but be mindful of macro nutrients if you want to prevent future insulin issues.


    Fat Head is a crock, please do a little more research on the subject

    According to who YOU? Whatever.

    I have done a lot of research on it, and insulin resistance is a fact, whether you believe it or not. What do I know? People who keep pushing high carb consumption are killing people. And science is proving it every day.

    Chose your way, but insulin resistance is no joke, even if Tom Naughton is a comedian, the science behind the documentary is sound. He lost weight, his blood chemistry normalized and he is healthier now than he ever has been. And his doctor was speechless as are most people who do nothing but push low fat, low calories diets.
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    I eat well over 200 carbs per day and I am losing weight with no problem.

    The question is not whether or not you will lose weight. I stated that you will as long as you are in a calorie deficit you can lose weight...In the long run the question is going to be can you keep off the weight and will you be healthy in the diet choices your are making in the long run? Is this style of eating sustainable?

    Most of you carb addicts are failing to acknowledge the fact that excessive carb consumption can cause insulin resistance and which can lead to diabetics. The other thing most of you are failing to mention to people who inquire about carb consumption is they just don't keep you full like protein and fat. So push the carbs all you want, just because people lose weight eating them doesn't mean it is the best way to achieve weight loss

    You can go to the store and buy diuretics and appetite suppressors and lose weight. You can just stop eating and lose weight as well. What is the point if you lose your health in the long run?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You don't look like you are overweight but people that are clinically over weight, especially if they are obese, have problems processing carbs. That is not an opinion, that is a medical reality. Doctors are pretty much calling all over weight people "pre-dabetic" in America today. Ask your doctor about it if you have questions regarding what that means and if it relates to your weight.(ie trouble digesting carbs, hypoglycemic).

    Can you lose weight eating a ton of carbs? Yeah you can but you can also develop diabetics doing so. Tom Noughton explains it well on his Fat Head documentary:

    The bottom line is over eating fast digesting carbs without balancing it with protein and fat can damage your body's ability to utilize insulin making you insulin resistant and causing fat storage to happen at a much faster rate along with many other consequences that go along with weight gain. (high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, fatty liver, you name it).

    Eating carbs is fine if you do them in moderation (250+ carbs a day is NOT moderation, less than 100 IS) and you eat them in a balanced ratio of protein and fat to slow their absorption rate. You will need to find your perfect ratio, there are many suggestion online. I do a 3:2:1.5 of protein to carbs to fat, but I work out for 90 minutes 5-6 days a week, and at least 2 of those days are cardio days where I am burning high levels of glycogen. (using up the sugar in my liver as fuel). In other words the carbs in my body are burned as fuel for exercise.

    Are you hungry all the time, even right after eating a large meal? Do you have cravings for carbs? Then you are showing signs of insulin resistance. Reduce your carbs, increase your fat and protein, and exercise. Eat the calories MPF says but be mindful of macro nutrients if you want to prevent future insulin issues.


    Fat Head is a crock, please do a little more research on the subject

    According to who YOU? Whatever.

    I have done a lot of research on it, and insulin resistance is a fact, whether you believe it or not. What do I know? People who keep pushing high carb consumption are killing people. And science is proving it every day.

    Chose your way, but insulin resistance is no joke, even if Tom Naughton is a comedian, the science behind the documentary is sound. He lost weight, his blood chemistry normalized and he is healthier now than he ever has been. And his doctor was speechless as are most people who do nothing but push low fat, low calories diets.

    Strong strawman, who said insulin resistance didn't exist?

    Ah good, I like science, please present the studies showing high carbs are killing people. It's also interesting to note that our paleo ancestors ate high carb an estimated 300g a day, the kitivans eat a carb dominant diet as well as many asian cultures. If high carb is indeed killing people, how come they aren't all dead or have extremely short life spans?

    The science is junk science in the documentary, how many times do they mention glycogenesis? How many times do they mention the fact that protein is highly insulinogenic, which he ate plenty of in the movie?

    And did he lose weight and have improved blood markers from simply cutting carbs while keeping caloric intake, protein intake and activity levels exactly the same?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I eat well over 200 carbs per day and I am losing weight with no problem.

    The question is not whether or not you will lose weight. I stated that you will as long as you are in a calorie deficit you can lose weight...In the long run the question is going to be can you keep off the weight and will you be healthy in the diet choices your are making in the long run? Is this style of eating sustainable?

    Most of you carb addicts are failing to acknowledge the fact that excessive carb consumption can cause insulin resistance and which can lead to diabetics. The other thing most of you are failing to mention to people who inquire about carb consumption is they just don't keep you full like protein and fat. So push the carbs all you want, just because people lose weight eating them doesn't mean it is the best way to achieve weight loss

    You can go to the store and buy diuretics and appetite suppressors and lose weight. You can just stop eating and lose weight as well. What is the point if you lose your health in the long run?

    LOL, by chance what was found to be the most filling by Holt et al in their satiety index?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm always over, but am currently trying to lower just to see if I can increase protein and possibly lose a bit of the love handle. Nothing else seems to be working, so why not?

    I have always eaten the majority of my calories in carbohydrates and have never been overweight, btw. I'm just a carb kind of person.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Find what works for you! Carbs need not be demonized :)
  • Sigh......

    Carbs are not the devil...carbs are to the current era what fat was in the '80s...the boogie man. Going low carb may be beneficial for sedentary individuals, but if you're active at all it's pretty much suck *kitten*. I get in about 8 hours per week of vigorous exercise and pretty much need a minimum of 200 grams of carbs per day...more is better...I flippin' burn 'em as fast as I can get 'em.

  • I've been doing 40/30/30 for a long time, but recently increased carbs and found more energy and I sleep better at night. So, I've increased carbs quite a bit, and I don't mind if I go over a bit. I think, like everyone, I discounted their importance. Maybe there is a reason why the recommendation is actually more like 60% of your diet is carbs. Doesn't have to be potato chips and ice cream. Healthy carbs are fine. I'm just saying I feel so much better increasing carbs.
